Chapter Eleven

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Struggling to stand, Conrad watched Coraline being tied down as he found himself helpless to stop the ruthlessness of the others. It was obvious he was unable to do a thing about this. No gun. His knife was in his satchel which was across the area. 

His hazel eyes scanned the ground, desperate for anything that could save her. She wasn't dangerous, why can't they see it?! Is everyone so blinded by fear, that they don't even realize this is a child? 

Flinching as she let out another scream of pain, he looked over at her and his eyes widened. They had cut her other Achille's tendon now. There'd be no getting her to stand now. If it was even possible before, it's certainly impossible now. 

Pushing himself to his feet, he let out a soft groan. "S-Stop!" He shouted to the group. "Do you not see she's just a child?! Do you not see how terrified, or how hurt she is?! She's not dangerous! She could have fought back, she could have killed several of you but she hasn't! Because she is not a threat!"

A few of the group looked over to Coraline, beginning to look convinced which gave Conrad a sliver of hope. "Look at those tears! They're genuine! She's scared, and I am too. But if you'd just talk to her! Her parents were murdered, by us! She's been on her own and taking care of herself for a year now! She's only six years old!"

Scattered murmuring began to softly echo from around the crowd. A small smile crossed his face as more and more people began to look skeptical, but also nodding in agreement. 

Right as Conrad opened his mouth to speak again, another voice rang out. "You fools! Don't listen to him! We all know the stories, we all know how giants can be! Deceitful, angry! What's to stop this girl from getting angry or upset at as and completely demolishing our homes?! Slaying our people?!" A man's voice echoed angrily. 

People's faces changed once more to fear as they looked to Coraline. Their own minds began to wonder who to believe. Sure Conrad has spent time with her, but perhaps they are only allies? What is to stop the girl from rampaging over their village?

Coraline only listened, her brown eyes shut tightly. Conrad was helping the best he could, but it didn't appear to be enough. Surely she was going to die, humans have always hated her kind. A light touch made her open her eyes and there was a human standing there, holding a large blade as he made his way closer to her face. "C-Conrad!" She shouted, making the human cover his ears for only a moment.

Conrad's eyes snapped over to Coraline and he then spotted the man standing right at her neck with the blade. Immediately his heart wrenched. "No!" He screamed, but before he could even open his mouth, the silver blade was drug across her skin. 

He watched in horror as blood poured down her neck into the grass, pooling on the ground and seeping into the mud. She was choking on her own blood, coughing and gagging before it came to a stop. Her brown eyes remained open.

Tears began to sting in his eyes as his vision continued to blur from his own loss of blood from the wound in his back. "C-Coraline..." He whispered. "N-No..." He then collapsed to the ground as he fell into a welcoming darkness. 

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