Chapter Nine

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Coraline brought her hands around, shielding Conrad from the gunfire as she felt multiple bullets hitting her legs and hands. It wouldn't have been so bad, had there not been dozens. The more shots fired, the more pain began to course through her limbs. 

As gunshots kept ringing in his ears, Conrad knew that even Coraline, a young giantess, would have trouble getting through this. Closing his hazel eyes as tight as they could go, he began to silently pray. Something he hadn't done in years. The last time he prayed was when his mother was very ill and he wanted her to get better. But the day after the night he prayed, she died. It made him lose most of his faith. But now he needed it more than ever if he wanted this child to survive.

There was a sudden jolt around him, and he felt the earth shake even through Coraline's hands which were still shielding him from every last bullet. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked around and was horrified at the sight. Blood trailing down her face and arms, oozing from more bullet holes than he dared count. Her brown eyes with filled with tears and pain, yet she kept her hands where they were to protect him.

Coraline sunk to her knees, clutching Conrad to herself as she did her best to keep him from harm. Tears had made their way into her eyes even though she tried to fight them off. She could feel warm blood running down her face from wounds in her cheeks and forehead. The humans had been aiming for her eyes, luckily missing with each shot. She turned her brown orbs to Conrad, who was staring up at her with worry plain in his eyes.

"I'm okay." The young girl whispered as she forced a smile even though she knew he would be able to see right through her lie. She was mostly just trying to convince herself that she was this time.

"I know you're not." He mumbled sadly with a frown, now able to tell she was sitting on her knees. Shouts were still echoing around them, and he had no idea what to do. Coraline's hurt, but he can barely do a thing about it. "Just try and get up. I know it hurts, but please. I don't want you getting hurt. You're like a daughter to me, I feel like I have to protect you." 

If she hadn't been in pain, Coraline would have given the human a hug. But she didn't want to accidently hurt him. But she couldn't fight the tears that began to trail down her face. Not from the pain, or fear, but for the reason that she had someone actually care about her since her parents. And it was a human, out of all others. Just as she was about to open her mouth, everything suddenly got really quiet around them. 

Conrad looked around, unable to see anything past the giantess's hands. He tried to pull himself up a bit, only to be startled when Coraline gave a sudden jolt and dropped him just before letting out an ear piercing cry of obvious pain.

((Sorry it's so short, but my wifi has been acting up. No idea when I'll be able to get another chapter out, so I'm just going to leave you all on a cliffhanger for now. Thanks for reading and supporting my stories!))

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