Chapter Eight

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"What do you mean we have to leave?" Coraline asked the small human with a frown as she watched him dash about the cave, gathering his items into his satchel. 

"I mean what I said," Conrad replied with a scowl, tucking his own pistol, knife, and bandages into his bag swiftly. "We have to leave, otherwise one of us might wind up dead. And I really don't want it to be you, Coraline." Turning his hazel eyes up to the child, he means it. He's grown rather fond of this kid and will do anything in his power to keep her safe from harm.

Even though she wanted to argue and could really just force him to let her stay, she stayed silent and simply nodded her head. Her own brown eyes fell to her hands for only a moment when a light touch startled her, and she looked to see Conrad looking up at her with his own small hand on her arm. 

"I know it will be hard. But I need you to trust me. They know where we are. More of them will come and try to hurt you. And hurt me too. We can't let them hurt either of us. Alright?" Conrad frowned, looking up at her as he moved his arm back to his side, slinging the satchel over his shoulder. 

Once again, Coraline silently nodded as she didn't wish to argue at this point in time. He had a point after all. And she wanted to keep him safe too. Even if she was just a kid.

"Do you think you can help me?" Conrad asked softly. "I doubt I'd be able to keep up with you if we walked, you might have to carry me." Looking up at the girl, she hadn't even answered when her large hands scooped him into her cupped palms. With a small, reassuring smile he looked at Coraline's face. "Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Taking a deep breath, she began to crawl out of the cave opening into the bright sunlight. But as soon as she was out of the dark, gunshots began to go off. 

Coraline and Conrad both instantly felt a twinge of fear. Neither of them knew how they were going to get out of this sudden dangerous situation.

((Sorry for the short chapter and late update!! I'm so, so sorry!))

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