Inner Demon

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Chapter 2: Inner Demon

Grey was greeted by the din of people talking and shouting as he entered the guild the next morning. There was a commotion of some sort, people gathered around the bar where the master sat arguing and elfman and Kana stationed eitherside of the door to the hospital wing. There was a giant crack in the centre of the door, and through it stuck a huge ice shard.

'oh no....' thought Grey. He shoved though the crowd of arguing people to the front near the master. Makarov spotted him immediately.

"what's going on?!" Grey shouted, and the others fell quiet.

"Grey! Finally, maybe you can talk to her, since you're the only who she has spoke to and she refuses to let anyone else go near her..." Makarov replied with a defeated sigh.

"I wouldn't if I were you. She'll just try impale you like she tried to do to us..." Lucy muttered scornfully.

"I don't understand...?" Grey asked, confused.

"mira-Jane tried to get her to come out this morning. The girl responded with firing a dozen huge ice shards at her. She won't listen to anyone. That shard in the door is just one of them, and she gave the same response to everyone else who has tried. We can't even open the door now" Levi explained "show him Kana"

Kana was sat on her barrel on the side of the door nearest to the handle. She reached out and turned the handle gently. Before she had a chance to open it, the door shuddered and another smaller ice shard pierced the battered wood. Kana calmly withdrew her and and shrugged.

"and you want me to go i'n there?" Grey asked incredulously "are you trying to kill me?"

"Lucy tried to speak to her this morning, just asking how she was feeling-" Makarov started.

"and she completely blanked me" Lucy interrupted, pouting.

"you think just because we spoke yesterday she's going to let me in?" Grey sighed, he knew he didn't have an option.

"partly. And you are both ice mages, you have something in common, maybe she identifies with you somehow?" Makarov concluded.

"Fine... It's on your head if I die, old man" Grey walked over to the door.

"good luck." came the whispers of the mages.

"kana, on the count of three, can you open it quickly?" he asked quietly.

Kana nodded and gently lay her hand on the door knob. Grey put his hands out in front of him. He mouthed, 1, 2....

"Ice make Shield!" shouted grey as kana flung open the door. The ice made a thick, clear wall just inside the room. The giant ice shield easily took the hit of the ice shards attacking it from the other side. Grey exhaled loudly and stepped inside, closing the door swiftly behind him, still under the protection of the shield. He waited for the shield to be bombarded again, but there was no further attack.

"Haylee?" he called cautiously, "It's Grey" He peeked around the edge of the shield.

Haylee was sat on the bed, her knees drawn up to her chin and her side fringe completely covered one side of her face. She had a scared, wild look to her.

As Grey crept carefully closer, avoiding the multiple razor shards slicking out of the floor like javelins, he began to notice tiny ice blue scales partially covered her visible cheek. As he got closer he could see then extended down the side of her neck and over her shoulder. He eyes widened as he saw her arm. It wasn't an arm, it was a claw, rather like Gazils when he was fighting with dragon claw. Out of her knuckles stuck three huge, blade-like ice claws, sparkling like glass. She didn't look human, she looked like a demon.

Fairy Tail FanFic - The Ice DragonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu