"Fuck yeah," he replied easily and then hesitated, looking hard at Myrnin. "But I don't want to get jumped from behind when he thinks you can't handle it, Princess."

Myrnin smirked, making no promises not to do exactly that.

I stared at Gwion pointedly and waited.

For a moment, he just returned my gaze with a mischievous grin. Finally, he broke down and sighed, "Fine...I will keep Myrnin under control."

Myrnin scoffed, "Humph."

I turned my steely gaze on him and threatened, "You will not interrupt us – for any reason. Or I will kick your ass."

He frowned but nodded consent.

I turned to face Dargan, purposefully putting Myrnin behind me, out of my range of vision. I couldn't look at him if I wanted to stay focused. Even though Gwion said he could contain Myrnin, I wasn't entirely sure, given what I knew was going to happen next.

And exactly as expected, the impact was fierce when I attacked, Dargan deflected it, and his fist connected to my ribs, throwing me back several feet. I cursed and stood slowly, letting my body heal.

The silence behind me was deafening, but I resisted the urge to look at Myrnin. I knew it wouldn't help. I walked back to Dargan. His eyes glittered as he taunted me, "What's wrong, Princess? Did a little sex make you forget everything you learned yesterday? I thought fucking with you was supposed to cause me regrets...But I'm not really feeling it."

My vision hazed red. Myrnin and Gwion's presence faded away. My lips turned up in a purposeful smile. The only thing I could see was my prey. Dargan noticed the change in my expression. His eyes gleamed in fierce anticipation as he whispered, "Bring it."

He knew I favored right-sided attacks because I was stronger on that side, so I twitched my right arm just to draw him into motion. He might have brute strength, but I had agility. I could position my body in ways he could not, thus allowing me to surprise him when I spun sideways in the air to the left, and wrapped both of my legs in a vice grip around his neck. The move knocked him off balance, gravity and the weight of my body forcing him to the ground.

I sat perched on his chest. He stared at me with wide eyes and then nodded in contemplation. A wicked smile spread across his features as he purred, "All right, Princess. No holding back now."

Shit! He had been holding back all of this time?? That wasn't encouraging, but I refused to let him get to me. I had this. I could do this. I think. I held his gaze and smirked, "Bring it."

We stood and one blindingly fast sharp crack later, I was sitting on my ass, gasping for breath. I felt my body heal, but didn't get up. He wanted to play with everything in his arsenal...so would I.

I continued to sit and rubbed my leg, completely ignoring Dargan. After a moment, he walked over to me and leaned down questioningly. That was all I needed. I snapped my body into motion, leaping to my feet, and rammed my fist into his jaw. Before he could react, I assaulted him again with another vicious impact, this time to his chest, propelling him backward. I darted forward and landed on his chest again as he crashed to the ground.

"Fuck!" he snarled when he hit the hard surface.

I knew my underhanded attack threw our rules right out the window. He wasn't going to wait for me to get off of him and reset myself. No, there were no holds barred now. Everything was free game. My body practically hummed with adrenaline at the extreme danger I had just put myself in.

And then an almost audible switch clicked to life inside of me. Power surged through my core and limbs so violently, I wasn't sure if I wanted to giggle or curse. In the end, I decided to do neither, because a shocking realization washed over me. This was a physical manifestation of a gift. I had never felt this incredible physical endowment before, only mental gifts. But the thing that excited me the most was, I knew I wasn't feeling Amelie's power – this was all mine!

All The Queen's Horses {Myrnin, Morganville Vampires}Where stories live. Discover now