" Esmatos kariyon merda anroos.",We repeated and the bracelet melt down in liquid form.

"Is it working?",I asked.


The molten liquid travelled on the map stopping at a certain direction.

"Something is wrong. It's not showing us the direction. It's like she is bound with a spell.",She said.

"How?Why?",I asked confused.

"I think Betty is in trouble.",Mom said.

"Well then do something!",I freaked out.

"I can't. I can't. We can't do anything. I am sorry Veronica but we can't do it. We are very powerful but we can't risk too many lives for Betty.",She came near me to give me a hug but I moved away.

She nodded her head,"It's not my fault honey."

Holding my tears in I said,"I am gonna go to school now."

"Wait. You should be more careful. There might be vampires out there. You can use little bit magic to hold them off. If you touch them,you will know it.",Mom warned as I sadly went to get to ready for school.

I will be all alone there now. I miss her so much. I lost it.


Location: Riverdale High

Archie's POV

Im heading to School now.

A week at The Salvatores was well needed though.

When I came back. Dad filed a missing report about me obviously. I had to compel both of the officers that I never went missing.

It was very different to go back to school. Everything would be different but my friends will never change. And neither will my dream will.

I can hear everyone's voices. Like all of them.

I saw Veronica walking through the empty hallway,"HEY Ronnie."

"Archie!!",She ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much.",I said.

She gasped and pushed me away waving her hands as I smashed to the wall and pinned to the floor.

"WHO ARE YOU?",She asked clutching her fingers as my heart ached painfully.


Veronica's POV

When I hugged him. I felt something very unpleasant.

Darkness and cold. I felt that.

I remembered my Mom's words and I figured.

I freaked out and pushed him away waving my hand making him smash to the wall and fall down to the floor with a huge sound.

I clutched my fingers causing his chest ache and making him groan painfully.

"Ronnie stop please.",He pleaded as I loosed my fingers and he stopped groaning and reached out to breath.

"How did this happen to you?",I asked freaking out.

"I will tell you everything you want just don't tell anyone or do anything to me okay?",He said walking up to me as I freaked out.


After sometime,

"WHAT GRUNDY TURNED YOU?",I asked lifting my hands up.

"Yeah she did. And you are a witch?",Archie gasped.

"Yes. Long story.",I said.

"Where is she now?",I asked.

"Josie and the pussycats are witches too so they took Grundy down and cloaked her in a safe dark place for now.",He explained thoughtfully.

"We are all caught up in the supernatural world.",Archie said.

We were sitting in science lab skipping our first period.

"Hey where is Betty?",He asked looking everywhere searching for Betty.

I took a deep breath and began,"She is gone. Someone took her and bound her with a spell so that we shouldn't find her.",I said letting him down.

"Why would someone take her? And you are a witch so you track her with a locating spell right?",He asked raising his voice mainly panicking.

"I can't Archie. I can't find her. And being the most powerful witch in the world I can't break the spell because it's huge magic I can't do it or else the other witches will",I started panicking until Archie held my shoulders.

"Hey it's okay you don't have to worry about. We can track her down by her GPS. I have her password.",Archie said relieving me.

"This is so much more better than magic. But are you sure that she has her phone?She isn't picking any of our calls.",I asked started freaking out again.

"It's a shame if we don't try then. Ronnie we should atleast try this or else we will find a way okay?",He said.

"Okay then. Where is she now?",I asked as he picked his phone out.

"It says New Orleans.",He said.

"Okay then we will go there.",I said.

"Then I am coming too.",Cheryl showed up getting the crap out of me.

"Cheryl what are you doing here? Were you listening us the whole time?",I asked. I remembered that she saved my life from Jason. Normally witches don't get compelled but I was different as my mom said.

"You remember me don't you. You are a witch how did you get compelled in the first place? There is something strange about you. What is it Veronica?",She looked deep in my eyes. She really knew how to handle something like that. After all she is 300 years old.

"Stop it. Everything is not about me or you. Right now Betty is missing and we don't even have an idea to where she is. She might be in huge trouble. So Cheryl cut the crap and let us do something about this.",I said as she swifted her eyes away.

"Why are you even coming with us?",Archie asked.

"Because you numbass I have to keep an eye on you Archie or else the blood you cause will be on my hands.",Cheryl turned on him.

"Cheryl I can take care of myself and besides what about Jason?",He asked.

Cheryl replied with a shivering voice,"I killed him."

"He killed to many people. And one night he was drinking from an innocent elementary school girl who got lost on the streets. I couldn't see him kill that girl. So I ripped his heart out from his chest and saved the small girl.",She explained.

"Im sorry.",I said. I felt so sad for her. What did she really do to deserve something like that?

"So are we going or what?",Cheryl asked.


Hello lovelies,

Hope you liked the chapter!
Next chapter will be about them finding Betty and Betty finding about the magic.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!


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