" god hes so cute, and I swear he looks more and more like you every day" I told Lauren and she smiled

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" god hes so cute, and I swear he looks more and more like you every day" I told Lauren and she smiled

I waved goodbye to Lauren, Ally and will and for the next 3 hours I spend walking around chasing 2 little kids but we were finally leaving I need to feed Percy, my self and Lauren before we go trick or treating tonight.

" come on sweetie lets go say bye to mama" I picked him up and we made our way over to Lauren and will putting all their stuff away.

" Hey green eyes we will see you at home, I'm going to make baked chicken, rice and green beans, so hurry home" I said to Lauren and she nodded.

" see you at home babe, and you too Captain Percy" she kissed me on the lips and kissed Percy on the forehead.

I walked to our car and we drove off and I quickly started dinner while Percy and Balto took a nap on the floor.

I heard the door open and I heard Lauren chuckle and the sound of her camera went off and I shook my head.

" Hey Camz, why is our kid so fucking cute" she said I laughed and shrugged,

" well hes half of you and half of me and you have to admit it we are pretty good looking" I responded.

" true " she came up to me and pulled me closer to her, she kissed me and then pulled away.

"So is dinner ready yet?" she asked and sat down at the table.

" soon in like 30 mins, go watch TV or go put on your costume" I said and she groaned

and made her way to the living room and turned on the TV and watched Spongebob.

I finished up dinner and I got both of them to leave the TV and eat, we finished up pretty fast and then Lauren and I started to get dressed for the night and Since I picked last years costumes we were wizards from harry potter she decided we should be Team rocket grunts from Pokemon.

" see I told you we look cool now here put on your hat" Lauren said I grabbed the hat from her and put it on.

" out of all things we had to be team rocket....I NEVER EVEN WATCHED POKEMON GROWING UP!!"

" I know that's your only flaw, but you forced me to be a wizard last year so pay back is a bitch sweetie" she said and walked out of the room.

" well at least we agreed on wearing pants instead of shorts" I said to myself and walked out of my room I saw Lauren putting Balto on his leash and he waited by the door until we were ready to leave.

" Okay every one lets go" I said and we took off, there were already kids walking around it was actually fun, A lot of people really loved our costumes, and Every house was in love with both Balto and Percy some houses even had treats for Dogs I ended up putting all of the treats in my purse so he can eat them later and we ended up running in to Taylor, Lauren's sister so she tagged along with us.

" you guys are seriously goals, like y'all are team rocket that's freaking cool, And this little munchkin is a little astronaut, come on bud let's go get candy" Taylor said and took Percy to the next house.

" what time is it anyway we should head back soon" I said to Lauren and she checked the time.

" oooh 9:30 yeah little man over there needs to get to bed soon" Lauren said

Taylor and Percy came back we all decided to go back home, Percy was getting tired so Taylor carried him all the way home.

" So Tay do you want me to take you home or do you just wanna stay the night" Lauren asked

" Can I stay over, I'm avoiding mom right now" she responded Lauren shook her head and opened the front door.

" what did you do now" 

" I might have Scratched her car and she found out so I went for a walk and that's when I ran into you guuuys"

" you are lucky I'm your sister, just go to the guest room, I'm going to call mom and tell her I have you, Camz can you give her a pair of pajamas"

I nodded and I showed Taylor the room and I brought back her pajamas.

" thanks Mila!" She said smiling

" you know, You remind me of me when I was in high school I use to run away and stay with Lauren when My mom found out about shit I would do" I told her and she smiled

" you still don't talk to your family huh"

" no, I mean I would like to try and talk to them but something in me just says no don't do it and the other part of me says stop being a wimp and get it over with just talk to them"

We stayed silent and then she spoke again.

" I saw them at my job a few days ago and they kept asking me questions about you and Lauren and Percy but I didn't know how to respond so I kinda left and had someone else take over my station"

" oh god I'm sorry about that, Maybe I should talk to them, I don't want them bugging your family about mine and Lauren's child"

" it's okay Camila" She got up and gave me a hug and then I left her and Lauren went into go talk to her, I took Percy out of his costume and put his pajamas on and I sent him to bed.

The rest of the night The 3 of us ended up having a horror movie night, as you know the Jauregui family they love to watch horror for fun.

The Photographer and the Mom (camren) WATTYS 2017!Where stories live. Discover now