Truth growled, but instantly recomposed himself. "I take it that stupid Sitri never told you anything about his dimension?" Sitri immediately stomped his foot in his mind/jail.

"That doesn't matter. We're here to--" Xozeel was about to declare their reasons on why they're there, but then she saw something that made her eyes widen. "Hexhine's... why is she chained to you?!" She lashed out at the demon.

The goddess in question noticed the newcomers as well. Still, she refrained to talk, as Truth had instructed her earlier. Something about conserving energy for her, he said. Having nothing to say, she just looked down.

"What? Never heard of this before?" He grinned, formulating a plan for them. "I broke her mind. She's my slave now. Aren't you, Hexhine?" He glanced back at her, to which the black haired goddess replied.

"Yes..." Hexhine even hugged him from behind, further making the three girls' doubt on Truth's 'facade' grow.

"You can stop that now, Hexhine." Tamamo spoke in a serious voice. "I don't know what he said to you, but you can drop the act. And you," she pointed at the slightly wide-eyed Truth. "to hell with your facade! What do you even get acting like an evil person?"

"Tch, shut up, fox. You don't know what you're saying." Truth's maniacal expression lessened, and he looks like he's even slightly serious.

"You don't get anything, right?" Reya helped her comrade. "We know you're not as evil as you want to be. Deep down, you have a heart, like everyone."

Truth growled, but he didn't say anything. He let go of Hexhine's chain, making the girl blink in confusion.

"Truth." Xozeel spoke calmly. "Can you tell us what you did to Hexhine in your first encounter, some millenniums ago?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I, used her! Like the toy she is!" Truth smiled to himself, though he looked like he's just convincing himself more than anything.

"Can you exactly tell us what you mean by 'use'?" The time goddess knew she won, when she saw Sitri's eyes widening.

"I--... I,...!" Suddenly he yelled to himself, then turned around. "If you're here to talk anymore nonsense to me, then I'd gladly kick you back to your dimension!"

"You can't even say it." Xozeel shook her head, then smiled slightly. "Not so evil, right?"

Tamamo smiled too, now seeing the demon in a new light. Reya was amazed by how the time goddess cornered him in a mind-fight, now respecting Xozeel even more.

"Can you release both of them, please?" Tamamo stepped forward.

"I'm not releasing anyone here. I have my reasons." Truth turned back to them with a scowl. "Get out of my sight!"

"Please listen to me." The nine-tailed fox spoke behind him. "You may not know it, but Ani's having a huge mental burden this day. I know her mind is stronger than some, but her mind is still that of a child. Please, let her rest, even just for a while?"

Truth gritted his teeth, then stole a quick glance at the aforementioned blonde. That would explain why she was hysterical when she saw him, and honestly, Truth doesn't like hurting his girls in any way, as much as he denies it. Eating his pride, he said some words.

"She's resting, isn't she?" He deadpanned. "But still, if you think she's not okay, then you can have her for a while. Just remember to pay me the next time I see you."

"Hai hai," Tamamo smiled. She walked towards the Ani and Hexhine, then grabbed both of their arms.

"Hey, I said only Ani! Why are you touching Hexhine too?!" Truth started stomping towards her.

Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)Where stories live. Discover now