24: Purgatorial Trinity

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Right exactly in the morning that came, Sitri and his companions immediately travelled back towards their mansion. The aforementioned demon would have just left there and then without paying, but the fox-goddess Tamamo insisted in doing so.

They all appeared right in front of their permanent settlement, just like Sitri had set on his teleportation spell. Celleya, Hexhine and Thalia wearily got inside, hoping to sleep on their much more comfortable and familiar bed. Tamamo on the other hand informed Sitri that she will have to go and meet the rest of the goddesses. A meeting, something about reasoning and defending Sitri's name since he technically dethroned one of their subordinates, namely Hexhine.

"Hm. Thank you about that, Tamamo," said the acquiescent Demon Lord. "and it's not like your going to allow me to talk to them, anyway."

"Bingo. Life-chan's still a bit angry at you, you know?" Tamamo teasingly pointed a finger on him. "Maybe you should leash that other side of you. I mean, asking her to bear your children all of a sudden..."

"It was Truth, not me." Inwardly Sitri cursed his other side for being such a despicable person before.

Well, not like he's any better now. Hypocrite demon.

Tamamo suddenly blinked, looking around her as if spotting for someone. "I felt that. There was an unnatural change in fate."

Sitri furrowed his eyebrows, not seeing anyone other than a hyperactive Ani digging a bit away from them with a shovel. 'Ani's back to her normal days.' He turned back to the blonde-fox. "Your book must be having a glitch."

"No, I rechecked it already before." Tamamo's ear twitched. "Somebody must be using my book, but..."

Gah. E-Ehem.

Sitri widened his eyes, albeit just a very tiny movement. "There's somebody else that can use the Book of Fate?"

"Well, yes," Tamamo worriedly looked into his eyes. "I actually asked one of my fellow goddesses to keep watch on the book. Keep it from writing some stupid fate, things like that. But now that I think about it, asking her might have been a bad idea..."

"How so?" Sitri asked indifferently.

"Well, for starters, her age's not that far above mine. And, she can't even do her job properly as the Light Goddess..." She sighed.

"I'll check my room when I get there. But, if she really is that person, I doubt I'll catch her there." Tamamo started shining brightly. Sitri tentatively took a step back, letting the fox teleport herself. "See you soon, Sitri."

Before Tamamo could blink, the demon was suddenly right in front of her, leaning his head towards hers. She suddenly felt his soft lips touching her forehead. Not having anymore time, she vanished before she could even react.

Sitri smirked to himself.

Ani's loud giggling brought the white-haired devil's attention to the girl. Not really in the mood to walk, he vanished in a crimson light. In a heartbeat, he reappeared behind the child.

"Ani? What are you doing?" Sitri looked at the ten feet deep hole the child mysteriously dug.

"Digging." The girl said without turning.

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