21: Not A Lie

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Truth is a very hard-headed man. When he sets an eye to something, he will get it, no matter what. This is even made worse since he sees a lot of things.

When he was born, he was infuriated at the fact that he's not completely what he is. This made the narcissistic demon create a name for himself, a name that set the 'real' him from Sitri.

What better name could be the most appropriate for it, if not 'Truth'?

No matter how much they deny it though, they're both part of a single person. They will always be together. Similarities are unavoidable as much as differences.

If there's one thing that can be clearly seen on both them, it would be pride. Demons are normally prideful, but these two takes it to a whole new other level.

Still, they do not really hate each other. They will not admit it, but each of the two has their own strengths. If they're bond can be categorized, it might be that of a brother-relationship. You could even say they're twins.

After Truth finished his train of thoughts, he opened his eyes again. A worried Hexhine can be seen hugging a sleeping Ani, an action that just made the death goddess' innocence and purity even clearer. Even though the blonde girl straight out says that she hates her, Hexhine could never plant a grudge on someone, let alone be angered.

It makes Truth wonder why she's even the death goddess in the first place. 'Oh right, I scared her out of her wits. Can't help it, that all-knowing attitude of hers before pissed me off.' The demon shrugged.

Back to his mindscape, Sitri calmed down a bit, seeing that Truth was just sitting there. He's still chained up, though it looks like he's not struggling anymore.

Coincidentally, Sitri's and Truth's mind is not too different on their current location, the fifth dimension. Dark, gloomy and silent.

"What are you planning, Truth?" His voice held no malice, just a curious tone.

Truth smirked to himself, then spoke inwardly to Sitri. "Nothing special. I just figured that you should know everything now."

Sitri merely raised an eyebrow. "Know everything?"

Truth brushed his hair to the back of his head, then nonchalantly spoke. "You've suffered enough. Stop beating yourself over something as trivial as trying to end the universe." The demon held a straight face.

"What are you talking about, Truth?" All the foreshadowing was annoying the bounded demon.

Truth thought about something for some seconds, then smirked. "On second thought, screw that past Sitri. He sealed me. Yeah, you should suffer even more." Truth cackled while closing his eyes.

His action gained him the attention of Hexhine, who started whimpering slightly again. No one could really blame her though, Truth is a very creepy guy, in all different angles. The said demon noticed her too, then lashed out at her.

"You damn crybaby. STOP CRYING!" Some veins can be seen at his face, and a huge tick mark is present on the side of his forehead. Of course, this did nothing but to scare the goddess even more.

Something changed in Hexhine though. A shiny chain is locked up in her neck, with it's other end being held by Truth. Surprisingly, Sitri is still calm, it seems that he already knows why the girl is chained up.

In a sudden turn of events that surprised Truth, a bright light illuminated behind him. It brought a peaceful aura in that desolate place called 'The fifth dimension', and it certainly wasn't welcome to both of the demons.

When it died down, three figures can be seen. One has nine tails swishing wildly behind her, another had a clock, and the last one has a wing of that of a fallen angel.

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