9: Lingering Nightmares

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A/N: WARNING! Chapter is a bit longer! That's all.

=≠Flashback: 151 years ago≠=

"Get out of here." A teenager looking demon said.

"B-But brother--"

"Get away from us, Celleya!" A young demoness yelled.

"Yes! You're not our sister! You're a monster!" Another demon yelled.

Celleya recoiled after hearing that. Her eyes had turned red from her nonstop crying, and her white hair was a mess from the beating she had gotten from her parents. Now, her very siblings are abandoning her.

"No, Xena, Edno, Vigra...!" Celleya cried.

"Monster!" The girl conjured a fireball and aimed it at Celleya.

"You don't belong here, freak!" The boy did the same.

"Don't you dare hurt my siblings, you monster. Or else I'm gonna kill you myself." The teenager demon said as he hugged the younger demons protectively.

"B-But... What about our times t-together... Have you forgotten about those...?" Celleya croaked out.

"We do not know you. Now get out of our mansion, or mom and dad are gonna go down here and deal with you themselves. You're an outcast, Celleya. If you wanna blame someone, go blame Sitri-kun. He's the one who ordered to exile you after all." And then he shut the double doors at Celleya.

Celleya widen her eyes. "T-That can't be true. S-Sitri-chan wouldn't... he would never..." Celleya stared at the doors, not wanting to turn around and go.

She can feel the harsh cold snowstorm behind her. How stupid, she thought. A snowstorm in underworld. It would have been lovely if it was just a tad bit more hot.

But that's just reality.

She never gets what she wanted.

'Wait... Maybe if I talk to Sitri and clear this up, they might welcome me back...! Yes! T-This might--no, must be just a misunderstanding! Sitri would never do that to me! H-He loves me! He's my brother!' Celleya comforted herself.

And she ran and ran, towards the castle at the middle of the kingdom. Sitri never left the castle, he's always been busy with the paper works and other king-stuff he always do, Celleya thought.

Celleya burst in through the door, managing to outran the guards and walked towards Sitri. "Sitri-chan! Sitri-chan! Everyone's saying that you exiled me, where did they even get that idea?! Crazy right?!" Celleya laughed, though it was strained.

Sitri turned around, and faced her. "... What are you doing here?"

"I came here to talk to you about the mis--" And that moment was the most unforgettable memory for Celleya.

"Guards! How did an outcast managed to get in my room?! Seize this girl!" Sitri yelled.

"W-What? Sitri, come on, stop joking!" Celleya smiled, though she's crying.

"I do not know you." Sitri coldly said. "All I know about you is that you don't know how to control your power, thus making you a threat to anybody, and more importantly," Sitri leaned lower so that his eyes is on the level of Celleya. "You might snatch my throne away as the ruler of underworld."

Celleya stared wide eyed at him. Her brain stopped functioning that second, unable to comprehend what she is hearing.

"Oh, and to exile you, I spread a rumor that you began to kill some servants in our house with your 'untamed' powers. And what do you know, they believe me like I'm some kind of an oracle." Sitri grinned devilishly. "And, just to clear things up with you, I never ever cared for you in the first place. I just used you so that dad will think I will be a nice ruler for the kingdom. Y'know, a caring older brother, that and those, worked like a charm."

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