14: Unsealed

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=≠(A few minutes ago, Sitri going to Ani's room)≠=

Sitri silently walked towards Ani's room. He didn't even remember he could just teleport. His mind was just too preoccupied by something, something that has been nagging him, eversince he talked to his past self.

'This couldn't be all just a lie, right?' Sitri thought. Just thinking that it was a possibility, it made him feel a new emotion. Dread.

Before he noticed it, he was already in front of the unmistakably door of Ani's. He knocked, then talked. "Ani? I'm going in."

All he heard was just a 'Hmmph'. The white-haired demon sighed.

He walked in, noticing the similarly styled bedroom of Ani's. It was like a perfect replica of the one in his castle. Pink painted walls, pink bed, pink stuff toys, pink everything. The only difference here is that she uses an electronic chandelier as a light source, unlike the light magic he used to her previous one.

He only uses that magic when necessary. He hates it, for obvious reasons.

Sitri saw the grumpy girl sitting on her bed, her back facing him. "Ani."

"What is it, master?" She said without turning around.

"Come on Ani. Why don't you like Hexhine? It's not like she's going to steal me from you." Sitri sat behind her.

Ani turned around, showing her pouting face. "Mou, but... I don't want another cute girl here! I should only be the one who's cute! Me and me only!" She whined.

Sitri let out a snort from that. "Is that all your problem?"

"It's a very serious and big problem nii-sama!" Ani yelled.

"Okay okay." Sitri rubbed her head. "You, Ani, will be the only one who's gonna be cute on my eyes." Sitri grinned. "There, happy?"

"..." Ani kept on frowning, but then it slowly turned into a smile. Then she hugged her brother-figure. "Yesh. I'm happy now." Her voice was a bit muffled.

Sitri hugged back, showing his own love to her. A sweet and innocent moment with Ani is quite rare, and so he cherished it. Since they're so close to each other, Sitri could subtly smell Ani's perfume.

Sitri's eyes flickered, from a black and white orb to a pure black one. He began to lose his senses, and is being overwhelmed by his instincts.

'Yes, your voice was very cute back then...' Sitri grinned behind her. 'I could never forget that voice...' Then he widen his eyes.

Sitri suddenly pushed Ani away. Putting his hands on his head, he gritted his teeth as he talked. "A-Ani... Get away from me! Agh!"

"Sitri-nii? What's wrong?" Ani held his head, hugging him worriedly. She had never seen her master in pain before, nothing like this.

"Ani! A-Ani!" Sitri kept on whispering loudly. This just made Ani more worried at him.

'You messed up.' Sitri's own voice sounded inside his mind. 'The seal you put on our brain is already destroyed. You might not know it, but you were subconsciously unsealing it once in a while. Now, it's finished.' He laughed. 'Now let me have my own body back, idiot.'

'No no no no NOOOO!' Sitri mentally yelled. 'I'll kill you if you ever lay your hands to th--'

"Brother! What's happening to you?!" Ani was already crying, not knowing what to do. She began to feel cold, though she ignored it and focused on what's happening. She turned to the door, and yelled. "Celleya-nii! Everyone! Help us!"

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