20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald

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=≠(Present, Genesis Haven)≠=

Everyone was silent. Everyone stayed still like a statue. Even the four celestial beings, along with the time goddess, dared not to move.

The tension in the air was thick, enough for them to feel it quite literally. It was suffocating, the only sound they can hear was their own heartbeats.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, someone decided to break the ice. Of course, it's the most closest person to their subjects, Celleya. "Why... Why didn't anyone stopped him?" Her voice quivered, though there was something more in it.

Mikael stood at his throne, and stepped forward. "It was his own decision. And also, it was for the greater good."

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT!" Celleya's restraints bursted, and let out her emotions. "I don't give a thing about that! My brother's suffering so much, too much! Now I know why he always cry in his sleep! Can you imagine me, looking at my idol, crying whenever we're asleep?" She rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her uniform, then sniffled.

"He's supposed to be strong! For his family! For me! For himself! He shouldn't cry!" By this point a silent Thalia is comforting her by rubbing the girl's back. The green-haired vampire's eyes is shadowed by her bangs though.

"Call me selfish, because I know I am! I don't want my brother to suffer anymore! I have to tell him all of this! I... have... to..." Thalia stared at the demoness, with her emerald eyes looking at hers fiercely.

"Rest, Celleya. You are tired, and must rest immediately. Close your eyes," the sister of Sitri slowly complied, until she was sleeping on her chest.

Reya woke from her own daze, and approached the quiet vampire. "Let me carry her," Thalia hand the sleeping girl wordlessly. When Reya caught a glimpsed of the vampire's face though...


Her eyes were dilated, with her lips formed into a huge scowl. When she turned to the four gods, she immediately vanished, and appeared in front of Satina, her hands outstretched, and her nails turned into claws.

Satina widen her eyes a bit, but then caught the strike that was aimed at her neck. She saw what the vampire looked like too.

It reminded her of the face she makes when she was acting to be the most evil thing in the world, Satan.

What's more surprising too, is the force behind her attack. The devil was forced to stand up, just to stop the single grab from the vampiress.

"You're one of his s-s-suffering, right?" Thalia's head twitch along with her stutters. "So, when I kill all of you, it'll end too, r-r-right?" She followed with an overhead kick, planning on breaking the devil's neck in a single swing.

The other three gods moved in to stop her, but Satina just ducked, and held her hand up. They all got her message, and stayed still.

Meanwhile, Xozeel looked to her side. She was surprised to see Tamamo on the cloud floor, huddled into a fetal position. Her nine tails covered her whole body, just her two ears poking outside.

'This must have been a blow to her pride. She prided herself to know everything, and then she just suddenly learn all of this.' The pink-haired woman thought in pity.

She was stopped in her train of thoughts by the huge shockwave hitting them all. When she looked back, she saw Satina kicking the vampire back some few hundred meters away. There's this noticeable change on the devil though.

"What the, Satina, why are you in your..." Xozeel said, staring at the obviously angry devil.

Her former red hair is now waving in the air, floating endlessly in reaction with her current aura. Her eyes had turned red, with her sclera now colored black. Her ram's horn had increased in size, almost enough for it to be in the same size of her own body.

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