18: Her Tutor

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"Auri, come here." Sitri said, while swinging his feet back and forth at the side of the bed. "I'm going to teach you something." He smiled at her.

The child scrambled to stand from her position. She was sitting on the marbled floor a minute ago, happily playing her golden harp. "Yesh, Sitri-kun?"

The two were currently inside the girl's room, enjoying their 'playtime' together. Nobody was able to stop the angel from inviting the demon into her bedroom, as a single smirk from Sitri was enough to silence them all. Sitri is sitting at Auri's bed, while the girl sat beside him.

"Have your mother taught you anything already?" He smirked inwardly. "Like, for example, the do's and don't's of the universe?"

The girl looked up, seemingly trying to remember something. "Uhm, oh oh! Mama said I should respect the elders." Then she looked down this time, while closing her eyes. "And, eh, don't speak while your mouth is full."

"What? She haven't taught you the most important thing!" Sitri stared at her blue eyes, looking like he's surprised.

"Wah, really?" She widen her eyes at him. "Tell me, tell me!"

Sitri smiled at her warmly, though he's smirking in victory in the inside.


Lizifer slowly walked across the white corridor in their palace. Normally, she wouldn't stay the night here, as she has work to do as the current demon lord. After Satina's great act as an evil ruler, Lizifer had taken over after she 'killed' her. It was all an act planned by Satina though, to make the black-skinned devil look heroic.

As she pondered about the countless paperwork in her office, she hadn't notice someone in front of her, and bumped into them. Before she dropped down to the floor, a strong arm held hers, and stopped her downfall.

"Ah, sorry, I wasn't looki--" she stopped midway as she gazed at the other person.

"My, acting like a damsel in distress now, are we?" Sitri spoke mockingly.

"You!" She scampered away from the demon, and readied herself for battle. Then, she remembered that this man was currently a friend of her friend's daughter. Even now, she can't accept such a thing.

"Woah, chill down lady." The white-haired teen raised his hands in defense, though he's grinning. "I'm a friend, remember?"

"As if." Lizifer glared at him. "Get away from me."

Sitri ignored her, as he continued to talk. "You know, I always wondered. Why is your name so similar with the current demon lord? Lucifer, Lizifer. Are you his daughter or something?"

"Your inferior brain won't be able to understand such a thing." She spat in anger.

"Now that I think about it, that little red devil's name is kinda similar with the previous nutcase-of-a-demon lord too. That Satina one." He kept on rambling.

'It's a good thing this idiot doesn't know our second identities.' Lizifer thought to herself. 'But, I've always wondered where this monster lives. I don't see him anywhere in the whole underworld's dimension, though he's the same as our kind.'

"Oh, I know!" Sitri rose a finger. "You're their number one fans! Ahaha--" His whole body seemed to freeze, as his eyes slowly turned white once again. He placed his palm on his face as he breathed in and out hard. When he removed it, his face lost it's maniacal expression, and was replaced with a stoic and serious one.

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