The waiter

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Kat's Pov

I sat in my room debating on whether I should put the number in my phone. I picked up the little white piece of paper I took from Isabel at dinner. He was really cute and seemed nice. What if he likes Isabel but not me? I guess I'll have to give it a shot and hope for the best.

Me: Hey this is the girl from dinner:)

Waiter: hey;) I didn't think you would actually text me. Glad you did!

Me: Well you see you gave your number to my sister. She's dating someone so I took it. I'm her twin btw.

Waiter: Okay my names Justin.

I was smiling way to much I think I really like this guy. Isabel came in and sat down. She tried to look at my phone so I pulled it away so she couldn't see it. She gave me a weird look and tried to look again. I pulled it away and locked it. She grabbed it and saw his text notification I had just received.

"who's Justin," she asked her eyebrows lifting.

"remember the guy from the restaurant," I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah the weird waiter that gave his number to me? Weird though things like that don't normally happen to me," she said. I asked her if she told Grayson about it and she shook her head no." I don't really see the point. It's not like I actually kept it." She got up off my bed and stopped at the door frame."Just be careful Kat he doesn't seem like a very nice guy." That was the last I heard from her until she walked outside. He seemed like a really nice guy over the phone. She's always to busy 'looking out for me' that she doesn't just support me instead. I got my phone and looked at the text it said 'wanna go out Friday night?'

me: I'd love to.

Justin: Alright pick you up at 8:00

(Time skip to Friday)

I started to get ready for my date and Isabel walked in. She sat down and didn't say anything. She just sat there on her phone. I ignored it and kept getting ready. She must've been typing or something.

"Okay so I'm going on a date with Grayson tonight so I wont be home," she said." I don't think Ethan is busy tonight so maybe you guys can catch up or something. I'll tell you all about it when I get home."

"Actually Iz I got a date tonight," I said starting to put on makeup.

"With waiter boy," Isabel asked making a disgusted expression.

"Yes with Justin," I said emphasizing Justin. She rolled her eyes."well I have to get ready so leave."

"Why not get ready together," she asked sitting next to me. I looked at her and rolled my eyes."what's your problem?"

"What are you gonna tell me how bad of a guy he is," I asked. She started to say something but I cut her off." I don't even wanna hear it just leave." She got up and walked out without saying a word.

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