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Kats Pov

Me and Izzie left Ethan and Grayson's house and went to get ice cream. On our way down the stairs. I look beside me and Isabel was gone. I looked behind me and on the other side of me and she wasn't there. Then I heard feet coming down the stairs. I see Isabel walking very slowly while looking down at her phone. She's smiling like crazy.

"Izzie come on. we have to go," I said. we had to go see our parents and decided to get ice cream on the way there. Our parents want us to come accompany them to dinner with my grandmother. The thing about my grandma is she criticizes everything from what your wearing to whatever she can think of. She's constantly embarrassing all of us. We hate having dinner with her but we cant just cut her out of our lives; we still love her. 

"Cant I just go up there and hug him," she said looking up the stairs finally pealing her eyes from the phone. I sighed putting my hand on my hip." Fine, Fine, Fine I'm coming." we walking outside very slowly as Isabel was distracted waiting for Gray's message." he's been taking so looong."

" Isabel its been like two minutes from the last time he texted you," I said rolling my eyes. She was so distracted when I opened the car I didn't unlock hers and she tried to open it and looked at me.

"Really? Are you serious? Stop just unlock the door," she said getting irritated.

"I never unlocked it but you were to hooked to find that out," I said putting my phone up to my face imitating her. she squinted at me." Better stop doing that or grandmas gonna say something." Her face completely changed to an expression of fear.

" oh no! I completely forgot she was coming. Kat we have to go change our clothes! If she sees us in these clothes then... Well you know. What if she doesn't like that I'm dating Grayson," she yelled. She puts her phone in her pocket and I start to drive.

"Izzie that's why we are getting ice cream to calm us down," I said but she shook her head no.

"No she will yell at us for ruining dinner," she said." unless she doesn't know about it." she said grinning and we got to the ice cream shop. We walk in and order a vanilla and a caramel chocolate chip. Isabel hates chocolate ice cream and would prefer vanilla.

"It'll only take a minute to get your orders please take a seat," The girl at the front desk asked pointing to the tables by the window. We thanked her and when we turned around Ethan and Grayson were coming into the doors. Grayson gave us a weird look.

" I thought you guys had dinner with your grandma," he said. Ethan asked for their ice creams as we took a seat at a booth in the corner. Grayson and Izzie sat on the same side while I was left sitting with Ethan. He would hate me if he ever knew I pushed Isabel and Grayson to date. We sat for a while and talked time ticking by fast.

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