Chapter 26: He Learns Her Name

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Shawn's P.O.V.
Ok. So I am one-third of the way through being away from Cameron. Today is actually 35 days since we've been apart. I'm in Paris, France today, otherwise known as the city of love. I wish more than anything Cameron was here with me; he's such a romantic. We'd probably go walk the streets, stop and eat at a fancy breakfast place, where he'd somehow manage to get me a rose or something to make me feel special. Then we'd walk around and he'd find a street painter to paint the two of us together. After that he'd take me shopping, buying me all kinds of expensive French clothes and basically anything I wanted; he always gave me what I wanted. Then as the sun was setting we'd trek to the Eiffel Tower, making it to the top just in time to see the sun set, and watch the beautiful lights of Paris come up. He'd hold me close in his arms, standing behind me. He'd kiss my neck, then turn me around and pull me into a kiss. Everything would be perfect. I stop daydreaming due to my phone starting to ring. I look down. Nevada's name ran across the top. I gladly answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Shawn! What're you doing?"

"Laying in bed, just chilling." I say. Nevada and I had really hit it off that night we met, and I had invited her to be an official roady. So she basically just rode with my team everywhere we go, helped set things up, stood backstage and when I sang she just watched. I could really tell she loved what she was doing.

"Ok well I was thinking, maybe if you wanted, we could like go grab lunch or something." She sounded so cute. Cute like in a baby puppy with a bow tie that just yawned kind of way.

"Yah that sounds like fun."

"You just wanna meet at Gardeneers."

"Is that the restaurant?" I ask laughing.

"Yah, unless you wanna go somewhere else."

"No, no that's fine. It sounds good."

"Ok. I'll see you in like an hour?"

"Yah. See yah soon." I look down and hang up the phone.


I walk around inside the restaurant looking for Nevada. I continue walking through when someone grabs me from beside. "Ahhh!" I scream. I turn around to a laughing Nevada. "Nevada!" I say, pushing her friendly.

"I'm sorry, I had to. That was so funny." She's still dying laughing.

"Come on. Let's go sit down." I say. I follow her to our table. The waiter almost immediately comes over.

"What can I get you to drink ma'am?" he asks Nevada.

"Lemonade please."

"And you sir?"

"I'd like a cup of coffee please." He walks away to get our drinks.

"I didn't know you liked coffee."

"Of course I do." I say smiling. "Especially when I'm on tour. It's all that gets me through the day sometimes."

"Huh." Ok we need something to talk about before this gets awkward. Come on Shawn, think!

"So how's your boyfriend doing?" I ask her. I don't know if she even has a boyfriend. I'm about to find out.

"Oh I'm single Shawn." she says smiling and looking down at the table, while pulling a strand of hair back over her ear.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I say awkwardly. I didn't make her feel bad did I? "I just mean I figured someone as good looking as yourself would have a boyfriend." This causes her to look up smiling.

"You think I'm good looking?"

"Well just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't tell when a woman is attractive or not." I say smiling. The waiter brings our drinks.

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