Greenwriter's New Story Chapter Teaser

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It would be such a pity for a lady to not feel a tiny bit of excitement to be at the Macy Ball for there were merely two types of women who would find the most lavish party in Willowfair boring.

The first would be the wallflowers, the women who were such a bore for any of the men to spare even a glance. The spinsters, women on the shelves as most would call them, could also be considered amongst the wallflowers.

The second type would be the closet wenches—the lovers, the mistresses—who were merely there for a tryst with their secret lovers or hunt for richer ones.

Yet there was another type almost forgotten, the ones who were more invisible than the wallflowers themselves: the perfect daughters.

Utterly perfect, they could be found shadowing their equally perfect parents, jumping from one circle to another to meet acquaintances they barely had any interest on. No men would dare ask to be included in their dance cards for they were perfectly hidden behind groups of middle-aged, snore-worthy and impeccably rich and powerful men.

Deana Osegod belonged to the third, unidentified group of women.

And she enjoyed it.

She was the perfect daughter after all.

Her father was the Head of the Town Leaders, the men who ruled the entire Town itself. The Herald mentioned once (merely once for her name never appeared on the paper again) that she was the Town's hidden princess.

For a brief moment she did believe it. But that soon faded into thin air as she learned of the many things she had to sacrifice and was deprived of for such undocumented title.

Deana lived a very sheltered life and she hated every moment of it just as much as she hated the gossipmongers hissing in all corners of the Macy Ball.

"Smile, my dear. Now that the Herald publishes still pictures, we cannot afford to have your scowl printed in history," her father whispered under his breath beside her as they made their way to a group of men and women, none of which close to Deana's age.

She forced a smile and it was enough for her father.

"My Lord!" a man's booming voice said from behind Deana. She turned the same time as her father did. A large man approached them and Deana fought hard to keep her face straight as the smell of cigar engulfed the air. Lord Baldwin gave Deana a short nod when she curtsied by lifting her heavy blue gown, and turned to her father.

As with the others, she was given naught but a mere second of recognition before she was once more veiled by her father's shadow.

She looked around the Macy ball. She knew almost everyone in attendance for it was part of her role as her father's daughter. She read the Herald religiously every morning over tea, learning more about politics and social scandals but never truly applying any of them in any setting whatsoever. No men were comfortable discussing politics with a woman and Deana could never stomach a conversation about gossips and scandals, seemingly the only topic most women of her status could fathom to discuss.

Her eyes scanned the room as her mind drifted from one thought to another. She spotted a familiar figure and she hid a smile. She may not like gossips, but there were a few she was shamefully fond of.

She knew Lady Cressida Haverston the moment she saw her laughing out loud without care for proper etiquette. The woman had once caused quite a storm in Willowfair when she disappeared after she married her husband and continued to do so even until now with her unladylike behavior. One story Deana could never forget was how the woman once commented on Lord Preston's oily face, asking if she ought to kiss it to attain a more natural gloss on her lips. Deana had been too young when she read that on the Herald but it was one of the few articles that brought her secret mirth.

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