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Skylar pov*

This whole week has been so hectic! I've been all over the place. I've been getting along with Alex's friends but I mostly talk to Ruby. Well I wouldn't call it talking so much since Ruby hardly speaks but she listens... I hope. She just doesn't seem to be the sin angel type but you know the saying never judge a book by a cover. As for the relationship I have with Amber, it's neutral. We aren't friends but we are on speaking terms.

I have also been hanging out with Taylor but not as much as I use to because he is all lovely dovely with Lucas, but I wouldn't blame him, Lucas is the complete packs.

My grades are surprisely good with all straight A's... well expect for social studies which I have a B since I forgot to turn in one part of our religion project but Alex had it covered.

As i was thinking all this thoughts one person popped into my head, Natalie. I haven't seen her around much but I try to talk to her.

I was currently walking outside of the school building thinking all this wonderful thoughts. I headed towards my car and jumped in, not giving it a second thought.

As i pulled out of the student parking lot, it started to rain a bit.

"Thank god I have a car." I said to no one in particular.

Driving down the street though, I saw a figure.

Getting closer I realize the figure seem to be familiar looking. As i got closer to the figure I realized who it was.

It was Natalie,  getting wet from the rain.

I pulled up next to her and rolled down my window.


She turned her head to look at me.

"Do you need a ride?"

Bitting her lips she responded.

"No, don't worry I'll be fine." She said as she continued to walked ahead.

I kept driving next to her.

"Come on, don't be silly, get in the car, please, I'll take you where you need to go."

Hysterically she nodded her head ok.

She walked over to the passenger side and opened the car.

I turned off the air so Natalie didn't get a cold from being wet from the rain and the cold air hitting her.

"So where to?" I asked turning back to the street.

"Umm I'm meeting my father at the local cafe shop around Avenue RoseWood."

"Ok then."

The ride to the cafe was quiet as Natalie keep moving to tie her shoes or just digging though her packbag.

"So how have you been?" I asked.

Looking at me she answered.

"Pretty busy, I've been dealing with some problems but sooner or later it will work itself out."

"I hope they do." I said sending her a small smile.

The last 5 minutes to the cafe was full with small talk about school or our life.

I pulled over to the side walk as soon as I saw the cafe shop.

"Thanks for the ride, it was nice talking to you again." She said as she got out of the car.

"You're very welcome."

When she got out of the car she went to grab her bags and a couple of book she must have had with her.

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