"You've changed Henry. Or rather, you are YOU again. Is it for real this time? Are you back from the dead?"

Henry smiled in the midst of all this mess. His best friend looked at him like she saw a ghost. He hugged her, truly this time. Vanessa returned the hug, clearly calmer now.

"Just tell me what happened to you. Did some son of a bitch hurt you?" You've been hurting her for a whole year, you hypocrite.

"No one can hurt me, Henry. You know that," said Vanessa sarcastically, regaining a little bit of her composure.

"But we really have a problem. And I am going to need your help, even for a night. I am glad you seem to be back at last. Follow me"

Henry did as asked. Outside, the quiet rain had turned into a raging storm. One of these nights again, he thought. A bad sign.

Henry turned his eyes and saw the car Vanessa had ridden all the way out here. It was not her usual city ride, but an enormous, total black car, wide in the back, like a van. Vanessa had carried something in the middle of the night... Something with the shape of man.

His face turned instantly into a mask of anger and disbelief.

"You brought the Coffin here? Are you out of your mind, Vanessa? Why do you even need something as powerful as that?"

"Help me get this thing to safety and I will explain everything."

They transferred the strange box inside, trying to be as careful as possible. Thankfully it had a levitation mechanism that still worked. Henry knew the damn thing from top to bottom. It was his creation, based on his grandfather's original plans. The negating Container (or how everyone blatantly called it, the Coffin) was made to do exactly what its name promised. Contain a dangerous or potential threatening individual, stripping him completely of his Power.

Henry had built another one under the Council's pressure, after his grandpa's original was used to trap Magenta. He never thought he would see it in use, not as long as he lived. Turns out he was wrong. Because the Coffin was now inside his living room and by the way its external surface glowed and hummed, someone was already inside. A feeling of worry was building up inside Henry's chest.

"Vanessa. Please explain this."

Vanessa took a long deep breath and did. When she was done, she looked at him, tears in her eyes.

"The target of Alice Green is in the coffin, stripped of all of her powers. Although she is not to blame. Aldus Green wants her dead. We had to erase her trace for a while, until we see what we can do. I feel really bad for doing this Henry, for you and the girl too. But there is no other way."

Henry looked at the device. He didn't even know the person inside, nor would he ever meet her, but he already felt sorry for her.

"She had a bone to pick with the Greens? I don't know if I feel admiration or sorrow for the poor bastard."

"A little bit of both I guess. At least that's how I feel. But it' doesn't matter now, Henry. The important part is that you are alive and well. And that she can stay here for the night."

"What about Aldus?"

"Nobody except us Instructors knows that I am here, Henry. And I had to tell Tom, even though I didn't really want it. To all other Counsellors, you are as good as dead. I am sorry" she added quickly, when he saw the hurt look on his face. He shook his head and dismissed the thought.

"It's alright. They wouldn't be far from the truth, anyway."

Vanessa made a small uneasy step to his direction. She wanted to hug him, it was clear in her eyes. But her pride won at the end.

"I will be in touch with you, Henry, Ok? Tomorrow you can sleep soundly again."

She turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Vanessa..., don't overdo it ok? You are only one person. You can't right all the wrongs of Canton by yourself."

"But I will try as hard as I can. Thanks for the concern Henry."

She opened the door and walked, almost run, to her car. So much to do, so little time.

The engine started and as the sound became distant, Henry thought if all this was just a bad dream. But that was just wishful thinking. His eyes turned on the Coffin, still standing in the middle of his living room, all white and gleam, tightly shut.

"It's just you and me then, honey" he said and walked carefully towards it.


Almost an hour later, Henry was once again sitting on his couch, the Coffin in the safety of his reinforced basement. The TV was still playing, but he couldn't listen to it anymore. His mind was so heavily occupied, he didn't even think of asking before opening.

The sudden punch in his guts sent him flying across the living room. As Henry cursed himself for being such a huge idiot, trying to get back on his feet again, a hand violently grabbed his hair, lifting his head and forced him to look at the intruders.

They were the Ribbons, the most notorious gang of drug-dealers. Ted, the local leader of the South-Eastern section, and his henchmen. Perfect timing.

"Well, Ted, to what do I own the pleasure of your visit at such a late hour?"

"Oh, nothing personal, Henry. You just have something that belongs to us." Ted, an extremely tall and muscled man, with an ominously calm expression, hidden under fiery red facial hair, smiled at him with fake kindness.

"Look, Ted, if you are talking about the dust and the skipped appointments, I am sorry, but I won't be using anymore. I had some second thoughts. An epiphany, if you think. Turns out, I love my life more than I thought I did."

Henry smiled awkwardly and Teddy laughed, a harsh sound. His henchmen joined him, enjoying the whole show.

"You think this is about the mere grams of dust and your pitiful sorry money we are interested in, eh? You are more laughable than I thought, Henry."

Teddy came directly in front of him, his stinking breath on top of his head.

"We are talking about big money here, son. Noble money. Powerful money, from someone who wants desperately for justice to be served."

The realization struck Henry like a thunderbolt.

The girl.

They wanted his prisoner. Green had seen this coming. They had probably tailed Vanessa. And now Henry was pinned to the floor, unable to protect himself and his precious cargo.

"So, I will say it again, Henry. You have something that belongs to me. Where is that little whore?"

"The hell if I tell a bunch of Ribbons where a little girl is. You can go and kindly fuck yourself, Ted."

A base of a knife hit his head, and his eyes watered from pain. Everything was swimming in front of him, his vision blurry. He clang desperately to his consciousness, remaining silent.

"Search the house."

Ted's three men headed to different directions, tearing the place apart.

"You see, I don't get it Henry. The whole drug business. I always thought it was natural, a poor alone motherfucker, away from the world. Just another unfortunate soul. Imagine my surprise, when I learned who you really are. Henry White, from the famous Negator line. A remain of the old days. And look at you, pitiful and sorry, not appreciating what life has given you. You might as well not be living at all."

He emphasized the last sentence, and Henry realized he wasn't going to get easily out of this mess.

Then a victorious scream came from the basement.

"We found it boss. Just like they described it. It is amazing. And it follows me, too."

"You were really smart once, weren't you, White? Before the dust destroyed your brain, that is. Too bad."

He got up from his chair, his eyes cold.

"Let's go, boys. The Negator is coming with us, too. Let's see how much of your legend is true, Henry".

Rising Power (#1 of the Canton Chronicles Series)Where stories live. Discover now