Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


[Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time- Panic! At the Disco]

As of after lunch, I tried avoiding Dan as much as I could. That's purely the reason I was stuck on my phone. Usually I wouldn't do so, but it was all I could do to avoid Dan.

At least.. I thought so..

Unexpectedly, and out of nowhere, Dan gripped my wrist with such force, my blood, probably had no way of circulating to my hand. Dan had a smug look on his face. I prepare myself for the worst. He pulled my arm, pressuring me to stand up. With all the force he had, and the little strength that I had, I knew that I had no way of getting out. I was sliding up the stairs, little by little, dragged across the hallway and into Dan's room. Dan forced me up, throwing me on the bed.

What I actually expected wasn't as worse as this.

"Naomi. You shouldn't have sworn. There's consequences." He seethed, "Even if you think to talk back, your consequence will be worse than what I already have planned."

"Yes Dad." I rolled my eyes, uninterested in anything else he had to say. As I lied flat on the bed, I saw Dan in the corner of my eye, with some sort of... album? He turned to face me, and weirdly enough, he had a copy of... Purpose..? Why did he have a Justin Bieber album? "Why the fuck do you have a Justin Bieber album? What happened to being emo?" 

"Don't swear."

"Well sorry everyone I know is used to my swearing, so I've gotten used to it, and you can't change that you ass"


"Why'd you swear?"

"I'M TWENTY FUCKING SIX, DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." he shouts, loud enough for PJ and Phil to hear him, downstairs.

"I'm twenty four."

"So what?"

"I'm still going to swear around you. One question though."

"What?" he sighs

"Why are you so concerned about me swearing? They're words that don't impact on anyone besides the person I'm aiming it at." His facial expression softens, and he contemplates what I had said.

"I hate to say this, but.. You're right. I shouldn't.."

"Come." I pat the spot on my left, signalling him to sit. He sat himself next to me. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him. Slightly confused, he sets his hands on my lower back, rubbing it.

"I'm sorry." He releases the hug, staring me in the eye.

"Don't be."

"I'm actually sorry."

"Dan," I place a hand on his shoulder, "Don't be sorry,"

"I can't"

"Do what?"

"Hide the feelings." he drops his head low, avoiding eye contact.

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