I try to scream, but I heard him too late and he clamps his sweaty hand over my mouth, and uses his other hand and wraps it around my body, pinning me to his chest.

I squirm and kick, but he's so large and I'm so tiny, it does nothing.

When he gets to his van another agent comes out.

"Get the rope, Al," the man holding me says to the other agent.

Al opens the trunk and grabs the rope.

Then I hear Mark call, "Noelani!"

"And the cloth Al! We can't have her screaming like a banshee!" The first agent nervously says.

Al goes back to the trunk and grabs a long strip of white cloth.

No! Please! Alice! Mark! Anyone! I try to scream, but it only comes out muffled in the agents hand.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" Mark yells, sprinting toward us.

The first agent lifts me up higher, and whisper-yells to Al, "help me get her in the back of the van. We have to get going."

Al grabs my squirming legs while the first agent holds my torso.

They open the door and throw me in the back, lock it, and the first agent jumps into the drivers seat, and Al slides over the hood of the car into the passenger seat.

"Mark!" I scream, hitting my hands on the back window of the black van.

The first agent starts the car, sending me flying across the van floor and scraping my left cheek on a sharp corner.

I look at Al, then back at the first agent. I can't unlock the door back here, it has a weird lock. There's only one thing I can do.

I stand up, and grab the first agent's eyes so he can't see.

"Agh! Get her off!" He yells.

Al pushes me back, sending me flying and hitting my head on the side of the van.

"You okay, Mikeel?" Al asks.

"I'm fine. Just keep her off me."

"I will." Al glares at me.

I glare back. Once he looks away, I stand up, and grab Mikeel's eyes again, clawing and scratching.

"Agh! Stupid girl. Get her off of me!" 

Al pushes me back again, and Mikeel pulls over.

"Go back there with her. People are probably thinking I'm drunk and will get suspicious if she keeps making me unable to see. Bring the rope and cloth." Mikeel whispers. 

But I can hear him, because I got the same sensation crawling up my back.

Al jumps out, unlocks the sliding door with keys, and jumps in the back with me.

He gives Mikeel the keys, who gets out, and locks the door with the key from the outside, and climbs back in the drivers seat. He starts the car again, and Al stalks toward me.

"Get over here," he growls.

But I stay put. I'm not listening to him!

Now angered, he jumps to me, and grabs my legs.

I scream and try to kick him, but he grabs my arm and pulls me to the floor, and turns me on my stomach.

I try to kick him from behind so he sits on my legs, and grabs my hands.

He takes the rope, ties it tightly around my wrists, and cuts the extra off.

"Get off me you oaf!" I scream.

He shifts a bit, and I'm able to kick him in the groin.

He falls over in pain, and I try to get up, but I lose my balance when the car shifts and I fall.

Al grabs my leg and I scream again, trying to shake him off.

"Let go of me!"

"Can you shut her up?!" Mikeel yells over my screaming.

"I'm trying!" Al yells back. He grabs my shoulders, pulls me down onto my knees, and covers my mouth with his left hand.

With his right he reaches into his pocket and grabs the cloth. I bite his hand, but it doesn't faze him. 

He slips the cloth over my mouth and ties it tightly behind.

I scream a muffled grunt at him, even though it doesn't do anything.

He smirks, "done!"

I glare at him, and kick him straight in the face, causing his nose to bleed.

He screams in pain as I scoot away from him. But he grabs my legs, and sits on them again.

He pulls out a small dagger and puts it on my neck, the point pricking me slightly.

"One more time...and I will cut you...to pieces," he gasps, holding a handkerchief to his nose.

I freeze, staring at the cold, sharp dagger as a small trickle of blood flows down my neck.

He nods, smiling, puts the dagger back in his holder, and ties my legs together.

"Stop the car, Mikeel. I'm getting back up front."

Mikeel rolls his eyes, stops the car, and unlocks the door to let Al out, then locks it again and drives on.

Now I'm stuck in the back of the van, and it finally hits me. I'm gone. They took me, and now I'll never see Alice, Mark, Livy, or Brody again.

Hot, sticky tears roll down my face. I've lost my family...again.


Wow! What action! At least we know Noelani won't go down without a fight. So where do you think she's going? What will the agents do to her? Will she ever see her adoptive family again? You'll find out in the next chapter! But before I end this, I just want to say...I HAVE OVER 100 READS! I know it isn't a lot, but it is to me! Thank you to all me readers who've stuck with me throughout this whole book. And remember, if you liked this chapter, please vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

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