Want to be Free

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                ??? Pov

I stuck like a bird in a cage or a rabbit stuck in a trap. I need to find a way out of this place. But how? Shadow Freddy is out, but not me... 

Stuck as if I can never get out... stuck in a body cage eager to get out... if Spring go insane then, no way I'm getting out, but if he keep sanity, then I might be able to get out...

Hopefully... I told her about Spring, but I'm sure Golden Freddy should know soon. Mia will die soon... But I know a suit, but it's might not be perfect... But it can work.

I paces around a small area and a barrier, if I break the barrier then Spring will end up here and I will be out, but I have to be careful with my actions about the barrier.

But how am I gonna get (Y/n) away from Shadow Freddy? I sigh and keep thinking... if I can warn Spring or Gold , then they'll know to keep (Y/n) away from Shadow Freddy.

I just wish I can do that right now, but Shaodw Freddy got Gold unconscious and waiting till Spring get to Gold and make him unconscious too...........

Then I saw shadows coming. Landing behind me form Shadow Freddy."Hello Shadow Bonnie" said Shadow Freddy."Hey..." I said."Once I make Spring unconscious, I'll get you out of here" said Shadow Freddy.

"Thanks, Shadow" I said."It that gonna be my nickname now?" asked Shadow Freddy giving me a sassy look."Probably" I said as I chuckles."Bastard" muttered Shadow Freddy as I laugh.

            Spring pov

I was running to the pizzeria by going through traffic like a boss (Jacksepticeye XD) I got hit by a car, how great. But I just stand up and keep running. That crap is gonna be on the news for sure.

I kept running and running and I realized it was still 6 as I got to the pizzeria, I was out of breath. I got inside and went in the safe room and saw Gold unconscious."Gold... wake up" I said as I pant.

"Ugh... what happened?" asked Gold as he groaned."You okay?" I asked."I feel lightheaded that's all" said Gold as I nodded. Then I started to feel lightheaded that I almost hit the wall with my head."I feel freaking lightheaded... what the hell?" I said as I almost fell unconscious.

Then Gold slap me making go full consciousness, but the slap was painful."Ow" I said quietly as I rub my cheek."Better than being unconscious" said Gold as he sits in his corner."Whatever" I said as I yawn.

"What the hell happen to your leg?" asked Gold."Got run over by a car, but at least I survived like a boss!" I yelled as I went to sleep. Gold just sigh and went to sleep.

I woke up and saw it was 8: 30 in the morning, then I remembered it was a day off for me. I decided to go upstairs anyways cause I don't give a damn about the job nor the money.

I saw children running around and I saw the toys. Looking at me and playing for the children. Creepy I thought as I walk to the doors as the toys eyes were following me. To me they think I'm a killer or something.

I walk out of the pizzeria and decided to go to Mia house cause why not. Then I heard my heart beating whenever I remind myself of Mia...


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