Chapter 37

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Harry's POV:

The battlefield was too large, and we were severely outnumbered.

Over half my men had already been cut down, which is surprising since there were enormous amounts of Aluverian soldiers coming at us left and right. 

I was breathing heavily, cutting down one after the other, but I couldn't keep fighting forever. None of us could. 

I had gotten separated from the others, but I was sincerely hoping all of them were okay. Especially Bella. I wish there was a way I could appear at her side because I don't know if she's doing okay. I've seen traces of her swordsmanship all across the battlefield: men were unable to move, but still alive.

She's not going to hold out like that, especially if she comes across a General. 

I dodge a sword and swing mine in return, slicing the soldier's head off, coming out of my thoughts. If I didn't concentrate it would be my head that was sent rolling.

I was still near the cliff side, the soldiers coming at me easy to defend as I didn't have to worry as much about them coming from behind me. All I had to dodge was rocks. 

Cutting down another man before planting my sword in the ground, using it as a push to jump in the air, I kicked another man down to the ground. I landed gracefully and took my sword out, impaling the man on the ground before looking around. 

There was no end to the troops.

"Dammit." I breathe heavily, defending myself against two more men, blocking their attacks before slicing them down, their bodies dropping like flies. 

"Louis! Niall!" I shout, hoping they'd hear my voice. I knew  they were somewhere nearby, but if I remained by myself much longer here I'd be overrun. 

Taking out my second sword, I begin to do double the work, cutting down soldiers left and right, defending myself in the process. This method was working better for me, as I was able to double the amount of soldiers I took on, as well as defend myself better.

Sharp pain shot in my shoulder and I cursed, dropping the sword in my left hand and stumbling back, holding my bleeding shoulder as I look at the man who cut me. He had a nasty grin on his face and I glared at him.

Lunging forward, I engaged with him, both our blades flying through the air, clashing back and forth at a rapid pace. I was able to angle down enough with my sword to cut his finger off, making him scream out in pain. 

I took the opportunity to stab him through the heart, his eyes wide as he stares at me before dropping to the ground. Cursing again, I held my shoulder, the blood oozing from my wound hot and sticky.

"I can't have this." I hiss, mad that he was able to get in a blow while I fought another person.

My eyes scanned the field as more men began to approach, my eyes widening as I saw a red cloak somewhat near me, the white hair adorning the wearer of the cloak making something in my mind click.

"General Vox." I say, remembering Layla's descriptions of the Generals. If the Generals were taken out, we'd be one huge step closer to victory. But Vox was surrounded by men, and it would be no easy feat to get to him.

General Vox turns towards me and my eyes widen, cursing slightly. If he came over here now and surrounded me, I'd be dead for sure.

His eyes, as Layla said, were dark and terrifying. A chill went up my spine from his look, and his eyes narrow as he faces me fully. "Not good." I mutter, lifting my sword up, ready for men to begin charging me.

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