Chapter 17

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"No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh take me back to the start." -Bella

Bella's POV:

Dinner last night was very awkward. Despite agreeing to go on a 'test' adventure with Harry, it was still very tense between us. There was still a lot that we haven't discussed or talked about. 

But that was going to happen over the week we'd spend together on this ship. It was almost foreign for me to think that I'd be stepping foot on a ship again...let alone a ship with Harry. This wasn't exactly how I had thought this was all going to play out, but then again I had no plan to begin with.

We traveled back down to the shoreline, where I'd meet with my mother to arrange for her to keep Layla. I knew she would be opposed to the idea of me going with Harry. She still hasn't forgotten how he stabbed her six years ago. He's the reason she's crippled, and for that she still has a tiny grudge against him.

Shayla was a little unsure about the whole thing, but she was going to be on the ship with us, so she said she'd be supervising the entire thing to give an honest report to Queen Phillipa when this was over. That was a little reassuring to know I had someone to back me up in case I needed it.

Wesly wasn't too happy about this either. He didn't trust Harry to keep me safe or just to care about me in general. I tried to reassure him last night that it was going to be alright, but he still seemed against the whole idea. 

Nevertheless, as the carriage pulled up to my mother's house, Wesly graciously helped me out of the carriage, giving me a bow as he always does, before helping Layla down. Harry just gave him a sideways glance as he jumped out, the tension between the two so thick I could practically feel it. Shayla just hopped off the carriage, stretching her arms above her head and letting out a happy sigh.

"Very good. We all made it." Queen Phillipa says, stepping out of her own carriage, Edward and Elizabeth already out. Her driver gave her a low bow before going back to the carriage, and Wesly bid me a brief farewell before he left.

"Now, let's go talk to your mother. She'll be quite surprised at the predicament, I'm sure." Phillipa says, guiding us all to the gates that would lead to my mother's estate. It was so strange coming into the gates where I grew up, knowing how much has changed within these walls over the years.

Layla didn't seem to mind how much was changing in her life so quickly; actually she was probably the one who was most okay with everything. It still blew my mind that she was the one who originally got us back together and is sending us on this big test together. 

For a six year old, it still blows my mind how incredibly smart she is. Then again...she's always had this photographic memory and intellect that I couldn't explain. 

Phillipa knocked on the door, and within thirty seconds Darla had the door open, looking quite surprised to see the Queen at her doorsteps. "Your Majesty!" she gasps, giving a low bow, only to have Phillipa place a hand on her shoulder, bringing her back up.

"You do not have to be so formal with me, Darla. I'm here frequently." she says with a smile and Darla nods slowly, still a bit flustered at her presence, but stepped aside to let us through. 

She gave me a questioning look and I just shook my head, shrugging my shoulders at her as I walked by. I couldn't give her a good explanation as to what was happening because I still didn't really understand how it was all happening myself.

My mother was out of her office, surprisingly, and looked at all of us in shock. "Oh my. I didn't know you'd all be back so soon! And with the Queen at that! I look like such a mess." she says hurriedly and I smile.

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