Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

I stared down at the two bodies that were staining my floor with their pathetic blood, blinking a few times before looking up. 

Seeing Bella today threw me off. I had almost forgotten that she lived here still. Of course she was in England, I knew that. I thought she would've moved away from this stupid port by now...but I guess she never learns. 

She was absolutely terrified of me, that much was obvious. 

A smirk grew on my face as I recalled her look of disbelief and horror as she stared at me. Good. Maybe this time she'll get the hint that she doesn't belong here anymore. Although...she still looked good, even after six years. 

Maybe separation has treated her well.

Standing up, I cross the floor, kicking the bodies out of my way before opening up the door, stepping out onto the deck, where I saw Louis and Niall by the ledge, looking quite downcast. 

"What are you two doing?" I ask coldly, both of them turning to me with frowns on their faces. " know that she was horrified right? Why...if you never let anyone else go..." Niall trails off and I scoff.

"It's a good thing for her to be scared. She needs to remember who she's dealing with. And what were you about to ask? Don't shy out of it now." I grumble to Niall and he furrows his eyebrows.

Why did you just let her go?" Niall asks confused and I narrowed my eyes. 

"It was only once, and it won't happen again if she shows up here. It was a mercy act, if you can call it that." I growl and Louis narrows his eyes at me angrily. "Is this the same mercy act you had on Shayla?" he asks coldly and I glare at him.

"She made her choice!! I didn't make it for her!" I yell and he turns away from me. "Whatever. I'll be going to the shore today. When are we casting off?" Louis asks with a hint of anger in his voice and I clench my fists together. "Two days from now. I need to gather supplies before we head out to search again." I say and Louis huffs, not saying another word before walking down the bridge, heading to land.

Niall still remained, staring at me with a desolate look in his eyes. "Have you ever considered taking her back, Harry? I mean, a lot has changed in six years..." he trails off and I firmly shake my head. "No. She has no place on this ship anymore." I snap and he gives me a glare.

"Is that what you say about everyone who just goes against you now?" he snaps at me and I narrow my eyes, but he continues before I could say anything. "What about Shayla?! She still had a place on this ship and still you just let her-" "SHUT UP!!" I bellow, flaring my nostrils as I stalked over to him, but he didn't back down from me. "As I said before, she made her choice. She didn't want to have a place on my ship anymore." I growl and he sighs heavily.

"I wonder why we haven't made the same choice sometimes." he grumbles and my eyes widen in shock. "You'd leave me?" I ask seriously and Niall turns to the side. "You're not the best person anymore, Harry." he says sadly and I roll my eyes, going to the railing and putting both hands on it, glaring out at the land.

"I changed to get strong. Nothing will ever hurt me again, and so far I've made sure of that. If that makes me a horrible person than so be it, I'm through being the hunted." I say surely and I see him look at me from the corner of my eye. 

"It hurt you to leave Bella." he whispers and I give him a dark look. "The only thing that hurt was having my wife kill my family." I hiss and he gives me a look. "She only killed your father, Harry, and it was only because she had to. You know that. You've done a lot more damage to her than she has to you. Remember who stabbed her mother out of nowhere and abandoned her while she was pregnant." he says smartly and I turn away from him, looking down at my hand angrily.

"I don't care what I did! I made myself a promise that I wouldn't let her back on this ship until I forgave her for what she's done, regardless of who's done more damage. And that promise hasn't been fulfilled yet. And until it is...she shouldn't show her face around me." I say lowly, clenching my fist together before hearing Niall sigh, his footsteps leading him away from me. 

As soon as I was sure that I was alone, I let out a small sigh, shaking my head before looking out at the town, my eyes narrowing. Of course that wasn't the only reason I refused to take Bella back.

I also wasn't going to let her on until I knew she wasn't lying. She told me that my father said some rogue bandits killed my brother...yet I've gotten nowhere finding them over the past six years. They're obviously known, of course, because I've seen their mark on different towns and heard stories of places they have raided...

But no proof that they were the ones who killed my brother. 

And until then...I couldn't trust her. I had to redeem myself for losing my family. I had to do it on my own, I couldn't trust the flimsy word of a woman...even if she is my wife. 

It doesn't matter what stakes I have to put out to make sure that I get my revenge. This is something I have to do to gain back the honor I lost. No one feared me anymore, six years ago. I got soft because I was in love. But without Bella here...I was able to be feared once again. 

People tremble at the sound of my ships name, they whimper when they hear the mention of my name. I've joined the greats, and now I'm more feared than Blackbeard was when he was alive. Now it was me who people feared, who people dared not to go against. 

That's what I want. To gain back my honor and my pride, I have to do this. I have to kill everyone in my way to prove I'm not weak, not soft anymore. To be hunted and not feared...and to lose people I love because I'm not strong enough to protect them...

No matter what, no matter what else I do with my life, I will never be that weak again.

Turning to the side, I give a glare at one of the crew mates moving boxes on board the ship. "Tarvish! Where is that going?" I ask and he gives me a wary look, setting down the big crate he was carrying. 

"Below deck, Capt'n. This is some food for our next voyage. The other lads still have more coming." he says and I nod, thinking hard.

We had no leads whatsoever about where these stupid bandits hailed, yet we've scoured the ocean and the seas looking for them. "We'll set a course for France again to search there. We'll need a lot more food, so let the crew know that we'll be needing lots of supplies." I order and he gives me a nod.

"Aye aye, Capt'n!" he salutes before continuing on with his job, picking up the heavy crate and moving it down to the lower deck where we kept our supplies.

Stalking over to the bridge, I glance down, wondering if I should get out and roam the town. Not feeling up to it, I walked back over and leaned against the rails, looking at the town and all the puny peasants that walked around without a care in the world. 

I could easily burn this town to the ground and leave them in a wreckage of fire...but that takes a lot of effort, and most of my men were out on the land already. Not that I care if a few of them die, but I don't want Louis caught up with that bunch. Despite how much he pisses me off when he tries to argue with me, I don't want him dead.

He's still angry with me about Shayla, that much I know. Not that I blame him, however, although it wasn't my fault. She made her choice and for that...she got what she deserved. No doubt I knew where Louis was headed and it made me angry to know he was going there. 

My eyes drifted over to a large mansion like house on the east end of the shore and I chuckled. She was probably crying right now, wasn't she? So scared of what I've become. She must be telling her mother, and her mother is probably just as scared as she is. 

"Perfect." I mutter, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. It may have thrown me off seeing my estranged wife today, but it made me even more determined to keep her away. "This time, Bella..." I trail off, opening my eyes slowly and giving her house a glare, knowing she was inside.

"You won't get in my way."

Sooooo.....that's Harry for you! How do you guys like this chapter?! I'm really curious to know!! And who's curious to know what happened to Shayla? Haha, don't worry, more details to come soon!!

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