Chapter 4

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Isabella's POV:

I hardly had time to move before they were forcing their way in, making me stumble back frightened. These were definitely pirates, that much I could tell. But why they wanted in I had no idea. 

One man slammed the door shut behind him, and soon I heard Layla's confused voice and my eyes widened in fright. "What are you doing here?" I ask and they both grin. "We're here to fetch a lady. Lady Bella, in fact. We're going to return her back to her husband." he says and I freeze, not being able to say anything until I hear Layla's voice from beside me.

"Momma? Who are these men?" she asks and the two men exchange a look. "Momma? So you're living here with a child." one coos and I swallow hard, grabbing Layla's shoulder and pushing her behind me defensively, narrowing my eyes at the two men.

"You aren't touching her." I warn and they chuckle. "It's either you or her. We're delivering one of you today. A child would be perfect though, seeing as how precious that girl is." one says, taking a step forward and I take another step back, keeping Layla protected behind me, although I could see her head peeking out from behind me curiously.

"Momma what are they talking about?" she whispers and I shake my head. "Nothing. Go to Grandma and stay with her. I'll be back later. Momma has to go right now. It's for work." I lie and Layla looks at me unsure before I give her a hard look. "Now." I say sternly and she runs off, and I hear her telling my mother everything.

"Smart lass. Pity it's just you though." one man says with a chuckle before they start coming closer. "I'm coming willingly, no need to make this messy." I warn and one chuckles. "I don't want you backing out on your word, lassy. We're taking you by force." he says, and I can see rope from behind his back. 

"Isabella!!" my mother screams and I turn back around, which was a fatal mistake on my part. Both men jumped me at once, tackling me to the ground and holding me still. My head smashed against the floor and I grit my teeth together, the pounding already making my head swim in pain. 

I struggled against them but they were too strong, and I haven't fought in years. I was at such a disadvantage now and I could feel them overpowering me easily. Soon my hands were tied and they were trying to put a gag on my mouth.

"Keep Layla safe!" I yell to my mother, but all I hear is Layla's terrified scream, one that broke my heart. "Mommy!!!" she screamed and I looked up, seeing her crying as my mother held her tightly, refusing to let her run after me. I opened my mouth to say something but was stopped when the gag came over my mouth, and it stung my cheeks by how tightly they tied it.

I screamed against the gag but that only made them laugh, picking me up from the ground and throwing me over one of their shoulders. I struggled against them but it was no use, they weren't going to leave this place peacefully and if it wasn't me, it was going to be Layla.

I turned my head, seeing my crying child one more time before I was dragged from the house, and before they closed the door I could see Darla sprinting down the stairs with a terrified look in her eyes.

They slammed the door shut and began to walk down the beach, putting me down on the ground to where I was walking. "If we take this gag out of your mouth, you aren't going to scream. Because if you do, we're going back and killing your daughter." one snarls and fear pierces my heart, my eyes wide as they untie the gag from my mouth.

I stayed quiet, which made them both chuckle. "Good. You know how to listen." one sneers and I grit my teeth together. "Why do you want me?" I ask and they grin.

"The Belladonna has anchored here for the first time in years. We've been having so much trouble trying to go across seas because of fearing that we would get attacked by that wretched ship. So, we came up with an idea that could get us on the Captain's good side." he says before giving me a grin. 

"Bringing back his wife." he says and my stomach clenches. "No, I don't think-" "I don't care what you think! This is our only shot at sailing the seas safely again, and we're not going to take any chances. Just shut your mouth and be a good obedient woman and let us take you to him." he interrupts and I give him a sharp glare.

"You're making a mistake." I growl and the other man scoffs. "As if. We're going to be rewarded for bringing you to him. Imagine the look on his face when he sees you there. He'll be overwhelmed with joy upon seeing his wife return to him after being apart for so long, probably because you did have a child. You couldn't travel with him but now that you can, it will be no problem for you to return." he says with a laugh and I feel fear rising within me.

I could imagine the look on Harry's face too...but it wasn't a look of happiness. At least I don't think it would be.

"And you think he's going to be happy when he sees me tied up like this?!" I ask, going along with their little plot just so I could get out of this rope that was burning my skin. "We're going to untie you before you get on the ship, don't worry. We don't want to be on his bad side at all." he says and I huff.

"You're going to get on his bad side just by taking me to him! You have no idea what's happening or what's going on, and you think that this little scheme of yours is going to work but it's not!" I protest and one takes out a knife, putting it against my neck as we walked.

"I'd be careful with that smart mouth of yours, lassy. I'm not opposed to violence, even if we are delivering you as a prize." he snarls and I give him a glare. "You've already hurt me." I snap, his eyes travelling up to my forehead, where I'm sure there was a nasty bruise formed. 

He chuckled, rubbing his finger over it and making me wince. "Good. We'll just say that we saved you from a nasty bunch of pirates and that you were grateful to us. But...if you act up any more, that story will be exaggerated a little more to explain for all the other injuries on your body." he snaps, hitting my cheek and I turned my head, feeling my anger begin to rise.

"This is never going to work. You don't understand, I can't be on that ship." I say, this time a little more desperately as we neared the docks. "Shut up." the other man grumbled, untying my hands from behind my back, but both of them held my arms so tightly, if I tried to run they'd rip my arms off. And with the previous injury I had to my left arm, that would just end in disaster.

I began to struggle against them because of the fear that was coming up in my heart, knowing that this wasn't the right way. I couldn't see Harry in this way. It had to be him to come to me, not me forced to him. This just wasn't right. 

"Stop struggling woman!" one hisses and I shake my head. "No, please! I'm begging you, don't put me on that ship! Don't make me face him!" I gasp as we get closer, but they don't listen to me at all. One of my captors just snorts, rolling his eyes as we reached the docks, and my breath hitches in my throat as I see it.

"I don't know what's happened, but you're our new bargain." he sneers and I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest as I see the ship I haven't seen in six years, docked in the port with people going on and off. And on that ship...

Was Harry.

So you all know what happened with the two men!! But...cliffhanger #2 anyone? xD Sorry guys! I like suspense a lot!! Please let me know what you think about this chapter, I'm dying to know! Well not literally, but you guys know what I mean. (Sorry I'm so weird)

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