Chapter 10

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"My past does not define me." -Harry

Harry's POV:

My hands were crossed behind my back, thinking of what I was actually going to do once I got back to Eastbourne and saw Bella. What was her weakness that this little girl knew about? I was dying to find out, so maybe I could finally put an end to my past once and for all.

"Jack, how long until we reach the docks?" I ask, turning my head slightly to see him give me a sharp nod. "Just another hour, Captain. We're almost there." he says and I nod, uncrossing my hands and walking down the steps to the lower deck, looking around to see the crew working hard to keep everything in perfect condition. 


Narrowing my eyes, I turned my head to see Niall coming up to me, letting out a long sigh. "What?" I grumble and he looks at me seriously. "We have a tail." he says and my eyes widen in surprise. 

"A tail?" I ask and he nods. "We spotted it off our backside about thirty minutes ago. We thought they could be going to port at Eastbourne as well, but they've been steadily gaining on us and getting directly behind us. They're definitely looking for a fight." he says and I scoff.

"They must want a death sentence." I say amused, chuckling while shaking my head. "Don't they know who we are? Who I am?" I muse and he frowns. "I suppose it's since our colors aren't up." he says and I give him a wary look.

"Why aren't they?" I ask testily and he shrugs. "I'm not too sure, Captain. But we'll raise the flag and prepare to fight." he says and I grin. "Damn right we will. But let them think that they can easily get on this ship. It'll make it that much more enjoyable when they figure out who we are." I say darkly and Niall nods unsure, turning around and beginning to give out orders to prepare for a fight.

"Men!! These lowlifes don't know who they're about to fight. They may think we're some rugged pirates. They don't know they're up against The Revenge. We'll begin to slow down so they think they're gaining on us. Once they board the ship, we'll take them out!" I yell, hearing the crew yell in satisfactory agreement.

"Grab your swords, axes and pikes! We're going to slaughter these bastards." I grin and they all cheer happily, going to prepare for the fight. Niall and Louis were the only ones who didn't seem as enthusiastic about this, but I knew they'd come through when it counted. They never truly adapted to my way of life, although they still followed me. That was enough.

A few minutes passed before the other ship was upon us, making my blood grow hot at the thought of another fight. These idiots would learn the hard way that they shouldn't take me lightly.

"Strike our colors, Louis." I order and he nods his head, going over to the mast on the upper deck, raising our flag up high, it waving in the wind. 

I looked across, seeing the crew on the other ship now looking quite skeptical as they realized who it was they were about to attack. "Fire a warning shot." I order one of the men, who just nod hastily and load up a cannonball into the cannon. Once they strike the match, they cover their ears as the cannon goes off, sending the cannonball rocketing into the other ship's side, making wood fly out everywhere as the crew scurried away from the hit.

"Don't back down!" I heard called out from the ship and I raised an eyebrow, looking for who called it out, but I couldn't find the voice of origin. The crew of the other ship grabbed ropes and a grin came to my face.

"They're coming over. Be ready to attack." I warn and my men nod, drawing out their weapons and waiting for the enemy to board. Once they begin to swing over to our ship, I draw out my own sword, the tingling in my hand making me grip it tighter. It's been too long since I've fought. Almost two weeks.

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