"I have so much to live for, Bella. You know that. I have so many plans for when this is over." she says and my eyes get wide, realizing what she was meaning. She really was going to fight me. 

I force my sword up, not wanting to fight her. She's my best friend. But I also can't die either. I have to protect Layla. 

At my movement a wry smile comes to Shayla's lips as she stares at me, taking in my weak stance before she tilts her head to the side. "Can you really kill this body, Bella? Kill me?" she asks and I pause, my body becoming like ice, staring at her as she takes a few steps forward. 

"Unlike you, I have no reservations about killing others. It doesn't bother me. I've killed so many people in my life, Bella. It's nothing to me anymore," she says and my throat runs dry, my body shaking as I continued to hold my sword up, not liking what she was saying.

"You're too kind of a soul. You don't like taking life." she says, and I swallow hard, knowing she was exactly right. I don't know if I would seriously be able to kill her, or even harm her. But she's grown up having to kill to survive...I know that. This is another one of those times for her. 

"I've already made my mind up Bella. This is the only way," she mutters, looking me directly in the eye and my eyes widen. She looked like she was ready to kill me.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this." she says, closing her eyes for a moment before a chuckle left her lips. "It's ironic that we both made promises to each other, isn't it?" she asks me and a tear falls from my eye.

"I don't want to break it." I say and she opens her eyes again, a smile on her face. "You won't have to." she says, lifting her sword in the air and I prepare myself for her attack. 

"It really has been a pleasure knowing you, Bella. I don't regret any of the choices I've made." she says and my eyes widen as I figure out her plan. "NO!!" I shout, lunging forward too late.

Shayla impales herself with her sword, blood splattering all around her body. I freeze, seeing the blood pouring from her body as she takes her sword out of her abdomen, undoubtedly a fatal wound. My eyes are wide as I see the blood beginning to stain the sand below her, a small smile on her face as she looks at me.

I stare at her in shock as she struggles to keep standing, dropping her sword as blood drips from her mouth. "It's...a lot more...painful...than I imagined." she says, her body swaying and I snap out of the trance I was in.

She falls forward and I drop my sword, reaching out and catching her. "Shayla!" I shout, tears blinding my vision and I blink several times. "Shayla!" I cry and she slowly lifts her head, looking at me.

"Don't worry...you have more to live for. You...of all people...have to live..." she trails off, her eyes becoming hazy and I can't stop my body from shaking, tears streaming down my face, small sobs leaving my mouth.

"No...you have to live too. You can't die!" I wail and she reaches up and puts her hand on my face, my eyes widening as I feel the stickiness of her blood. The feeling of her blood on my face made these circumstances become more of a reality to me.

"I can't tell you...the joy I had being your friend." she says and I shake my head frantically. "You're still my friend! That's why you can't die! I can't lose you too!" I cry and she smiles faintly, her hand falling from my face.

"It's too late, Bella. Nothing could heal this wound. This is the only way...you know that. Now you can go save Layla and Harry. Save Louis for me too." she whispers and I sob, unable to answer her as my throat closed up, the tears falling faster from my eyes.

"I don't want this..." I manage to get out and she smiles. 

"Live for me, Bella. I'll never leave you. I'll always walk beside you...that's why...there's no reason to be sad." she says and my heart tightens in my chest as I take shaky breaths. 

"That's not the problem! It doesn't matter the reason you did this, you're still my friend!! No matter what happens, you're always going to be my friend!! Of course I'm sad! I don't want you to die!" I wail and I see tears start falling from her eyes. 

"I did want to go...on more adventures with you all..." she trails off and noises are the only sounds coming from my mouth, unable to answer her. 

"You're my best friend...Bella. I love you...I...don't regret anything...just keep living." she says, her eyes slipping closed and I hold her tight. 

"I love you too," I whisper, sniffling hard before putting my forehead to hers, sobbing. My entire body was shaking as I held her to me, the tears continuing to fall down my face.

"Please, Shayla. We'll go on more adventures together...we all will. We'll take you to so many places. You'll get to be with all of us. So please...please just open your eyes!!" I shout, sobs racking my body until I'm nearly unable to breathe, realizing Shayla couldn't open her eyes anymore.

"NOOOO!!!!" I scream, falling over Shayla's body as I wail, holding my dead best friend in my arms, crying harder than I ever had before.

I continued to cry over her body for a few more minutes, but a pang of a new emotion pierced my heart soon enough. I weakly began to move away from her, trying to pull myself together. My body felt numb. The sadness was sucked away from my body, and a new feeling took it's place.

Just keep living...

"I promise." I say lowly, sniffling as I wipe my eyes, trying to concentrate. This was a war...after all.

My hand reached over, grabbing my discarded sword. I put Shayla's head gently on the ground before rising to my feet, my head down, my hair blowing across my face. Once more, I wiped my eyes, clearing the tears before I gripped my sword tightly in my hand. 

Shayla wasn't going to come back. There was no way I could turn back time. The only thing I could do now was move forward. Keep living...just as she said. And the only way to do that...

I looked up with a glare, the blood boiling in my veins, an intensity and anger flowing through my body as I stared directly at General Caius.

A pleasant look was on his face as he began to chuckle. "What a fantastic turn of events! I didn't expect this outcome. Very entertaining!!" he says enthusiastically and I grit my teeth together, grabbing another one of my knives from my belt and hurling it at him, a glint in my eyes as I did.

He moved to the side out of shock, the blade catching his cloak, his eyes wide as I glared at him.

He chuckled, looking at me amused. "Looks like I've finally gotten you serious. Good," he says and I don't waver at his statement, a grin growing on his face. 

"Although it'll be an interesting fight with you, seeing as you don't kill people. Are you serious enough to kill me? Are you ready to take that chance?" he teases me and I feel as if my eyes were burning holes through his body. He realized the look on my face and chuckles, smirking at me.

"That's a very lovely look of hatred on your face. Very good indeed," he says, clapping his hands together before holding them out in a taunting manner.

"Shall we begin?" he says and I grip my blade tightly, a war cry leaving my lips as I sprint forward, charging him at full speed, him pulling out his sword with a sick smile on his face, laughing as I approached him.

"Come get me!"

Please...don't hate me. Yes, I realize this is a huge cliffhanger and yes I realize this was a major death. I am so so so so so sorry! This is an essential part of this story and I hope you realize that I don't necessarily like killing off characters. It happens. Please let me know what you think is going to happen and how you think this is going to turn out!! Love you guys!! (Even if you don't love me rn) 

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