Then I'm about to ask about him and Rachel, but then I realize that it's none of my business whatsoever again. Whether Rachel is in love with him or not, I don't know how he feels and I shouldn't. They're not my feelings. But if he really is in love with her, then I guess I won't interfere.

With a sigh, we both spot the swings and stare at the quiet area. "It looks dead."

Louis only looks at me and then back at the park.

"Whatever, we'll make the best of the place. There's a whole neighbourhood around it, anyway, so if anything happens, we'll probably have a lot of witnesses," I point out.

Louis scoffs. "Nothing is going to happen."

I raise an eyebrow. "You don't know that,"

He shakes his head and starts walking to the swing set. Pressing my lips together, I shortly follow behind him.

As a young teenager, I'd only come here when the other park wasn't available for me to go to. For example, if all of the swings there would have been taken, I would've come here. This place would always usually be empty, so most of the times it gave me the chills. There isn't anything wrong with the park, it's just...creepy.

He doesn't sit on the swing. He just kinda stands beside it and confused to why he's not sitting down, I also stand across from him. "I heard you like Justin Bieber," I say.

Louis looks at me and scrunches his face. "What? Where'd you hear that?"

I shrug. "Yeah, I didn't. Just thought you were that one guy."

"Who likes Justin Bieber? A lot of guys like him."

"Are you one of them?" I ask.

"He's too generic,"

I flick my eyebrows in agreement. My eyes scan the place around again. "We could just walk around, if you want."

Louis shrugs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "All right."


We didn't talk much for the walk. It didn't seem like he wanted to talk, either. He seemed too lost in his thoughts and I didn't want to pull him out because I know how much I hate when Elizabeth starts dragging me out of my pondering.

He had walked back home on the way back to my house after because the sun had set. Or, so I think he went back home. After what Parker told me, I'm not sure where he even goes. For all I know, he could've gone somewhere before coming to me.

What I don't understand is what goes on with Louis. Why does he always feel so lonely when practically everyone's screaming to find out what's going on? What happened to him?

This question has been lingering around us for a long time. Forty-five chapters, to be exact. It's been around for a pretty long time and no answers have been found. Not even a trace of what it could be has been found. That's what's been bothering me so much- why can't I crack his code?

He comes to me yet he doesn't tell me what's going on.

Now I just feel like a mom trying to zoom in on something she can't zoom in on.

I keep trying to analyze his mind and maybe take small clues from here and there and fit it in one big puzzle piece to figure what could have happened, but he's so good at being so blank that I can't find the slightest bit of a resource. He doesn't talk to anyone.

It's always seemed that he's been good at reading other's. I know for a fact he's already tried, and probably succeeded, at trying to find out what's 'wrong with me'. The way he looked at the painting the other day was the same way he looked at me once. Examining carefully, but not too deep, and quickly finding the secret.

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