Chapter Twenty Four

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"Claire! Wake up. C'mon Claire, get your ass up. I can't carry you and Lydia." I try ad open my eyes, but it feels like there is weights on my eye lids, keeping them closed. I feel a sharp pain on my head. How did that happen? I try and think back to the events that happened before I ended up where I am now. I know I was at the dance with Stiles, and then we went to look for Lydia. Peter. Peter was there... Peter and Stiles.

"Stiles!" I snap my eyes open but I am only met with the cold eyes of Jackson. "W-Where's Stiles?" I stutter, sitting up and looking frantically around. I wince at the pain in my neck and I bring my hand to my neck, only to wince again at the pain the little puncture wounds have caused. The blood however is dry, so that must be a good sign.

"He's not here. He called me and told me you and Lydia were here." I look down at Lydia, who's still unconscious and bleeding on the cold ground.

"Go, take Lydia. Get her help."

"What about you?" Jackson asks but I know he doesn't care much.

"I've got to find Stiles." I say and slowly stand up. Jackson picks Lydia up, bridal style, and runs quickly towards the school, yelling for help. I look around desperately, not taking any notice of the pain in my neck, trying to find any clues as to where Peter would have taken Stiles. I start breathing heavily and my body starts shaking uncontrollably as my brain rolls through all the scenarios Stiles might be going through right now. If something happened to my best friend then I would just lose my mind. Worry courses through me and I can feel a panic attack coming on. All I can see is his eyes and his smile that he gives me every time I see him. I start breathing heavier as I start getting dizzy and I can't see anything around me as I start falling to the ground.

I land on the concrete ground. Concrete ground, not green grass. I look around, trying to establish where I am. I look at the many cars parked. Obviously this is a car park.

"Whose car is this?" I hear the all too familiar but beautiful voice ask. I get up and walk around the dark grey car and to the boot of the car to come face to face with Peter and Stiles.

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter says in a monotone voice.

"What happened to your n...?" Peter pulls open the boot of the car to reveal the lifeless corpse of Peter's nurse, her eyes staring up at nothing as she's stuffed in the boot. "Oh, my God." Stiles steps back turning away from the body.

"I got better." Yeah, he completely healed. But she didn't. Peter pulls out a laptop case that the nurse had her arm wrapped around and closes the boot. My mouth falls open in shock at the complete lack of consideration for the person. I shouldn't be shocked from all the other people he has murdered, but to witness it in person is another thing. He places the case on top of the boot.

"Good luck trying to get any signal down here." Peter pulls out a little black square box. What the hell is that? "Oh, MiFi." Stiles says surprised. Peter pulls out the laptop from his case and places it in front of Stiles. "And you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves, or is that just a personal preference?" Even when he is with one of the most intimidating, deadliest guys I've met, Stiles is still as sarcastic as ever.

Peter rolls his eyes, getting annoyed at Stiles' sarcastic comments. "Turn it on. Get connected." He simply states.

"You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here." Stiles turns the computer on reluctantly. "Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't have them." He's lying to him. I know he knows the username and password. As creep as it sounds, I know he knows the username and passwords of everything with everyone closest to him.

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