Chapter Four

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Short but important A/N at the end of the chapter. Please read.


I'm in the boy's locker room standing behind Stiles while he talks to Scott. What? I come to the boy's locker room all the time. Not to perv on the guys, I come to see Scott and Stiles.

I'm leaning against the locker looking at my right arm, running my hand over where the wound used to be. It feels like I've imagined it but Stiles saw it too. So I can't be crazy, yet. I look up to see Stiles looking at me with a worried look, silently asking if I'm alright. I nod my head and tune into the current conversation.

"You know what worries me the most?" Scott asks.

"If you say Allison I'm gonna punch you in the face." Stiles says looking back at Scott. Wow that got violent real quick.

"She probably hates me now." Scott groans. I step forward to stand beside Stiles.

"I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty fantabulous apology. After all you did ditch her at the party." Stiles turns his head to look at me with a weird expression. "What?"

Stiles just chuckles and turns back to Scott, a smirk spreading across his face. "Or you could just tell her the truth and revel in the fact that you're a frickin' werewolf." Scott and I glare at Stiles. Really Stiles? "Okay, bad idea. But we'll get through this. Come on, if Clairey and I have to have to, we'll chain you up on the full moons' and feed you live mice. I had a boa once. I could do it." I look at Stiles weirdly before bursting out laughing.

Sobering up, I look at Scott. "Anyway Scott, don't you have some apologising to do?" I arch an eye brow.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys soon." Scott hurries out of the room.


"So, did you apologise to Allison?" I ask Scott. Ever since he's come back from talking to Allison, he's been in a sort of trance. Scott's even leaning against his locker staring into space. Time to tread carefully I guess. Stiles isn't helping either. He's leaning forward to Scott, obviously excited for the answer.

"Yeah." He says.

"Is she giving you a second chance or..."


"Yeah! So everything's good." Stiles says with a goofy grin on his face, turning around to look inside his locker. A smile spreads across my face slowly as I look at Stiles.

"No" Scott says in a miserable tone.

"No?" Stiles asks, poking his head out from his lock, his body slowly following suit.

"Remember what I told you Stiles. The Hunters'. Her dad is one of them." I look confusingly at Scott.

"Her Dad?" Stiles asks.

"Shot me..."

"Allison's father?"

"With a crossbow."

"Allison's father..."

"Yes! Her father!" Scott shouts, breaking out of his trance. Scott starts breathing heavily, clearly panicking. "Oh my God." I start forward and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Scott. Are you alright?" I ask. An unreadable expression comes across Stiles' face at my actions. What's wrong with him? I pull my hand off of Scott's shoulder and take a step away.

"He didn't recognise you, did he?" Stiles asks.

"N-No, I don't think so." Scott stutters.

"Does she know about him?"

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