Chapter Twelve

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"Hey, Claire Bear." I look up from my book to see my Mum leaning against the door frame with a smile on her face. She wants something, I know it. "How would you like to watch a movie with your father and me tonight? I just thought since he and I have been working a lot it might be nice for us to sit down and watch a movie as a family."

I smile up at her. My parents have no idea how much I actually miss them. They're always gone in the morning when I wake up and don't get back until I'm asleep. Working at the hospital as doctors can really take up their time I guess. I just miss them. "I would love to." I slightly whisper.

My Mum's smile widens. "Okay, well here's some money, why don't you take a walk to the DVD store and rent out a movie. You can choose. But, please, no 'Harry Potter'. Or 'The Hunger Games'. Or 'Star Wars'. Or..."

"I thought you said I could choose? You're limiting my options here." I say while slightly laughing. "Come on Mum. The 'Harry Potter' series is by far the best movie series in the world. And also book series. So best series full stop. Give it a shot." I get up and walk over her, snatching the money from her hand with an innocent smile.

"I have. Multiple times. Please, no Harry Potter." I groan and start walking down the stairs.

"Fine. How 'bout a comedy? 21 Jump Street? You can't deny you don't wanna watch some Channing Tatum." Mum lets out a laugh as she follows me.

"Sounds good to me. Now get out of here otherwise we'll never have time to watch the movie."

She and I laugh as I head out the front door and I walk towards the DVD store since it was only a couple blocks away.

Once I enter the shop I hear a voice shout; "Can anyone help me find 'The Notebook?'" I see Lydia is making Jackson watch The Notebook. I never understood what the hype was about that movie. Jackson sees me entering the store and immediately tenses up. "What are you doing here Thompson?" Jackson snaps at me.

"Going to Hogwarts." I roll my eyes. "What does it look like dumb-ass, I'm getting a DVD." I walk off to the opposite direction of Jack-ass and head to the comedy section. I really need a laugh tonight and Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum will definitely give me that. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and take it out and look down at the screen to see my Mum has texted. I sigh, already knowing what it says.

'Sorry Claire Bear, but your father and I can't watch the movie tonight. We just got called into work. Maybe another time. Love you.' I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away and blink back the rest. Why am I even surprised? I go through a lot of effort to make them proud and happy with me just so they could notice me and actually spend time with me but it never happens does it? They rather choose their work over their own daughter.

I hear a loud crash in the background and the lights suddenly flicker out. NO. I've seen way too many horror movies for this to be a good sign. My hands become sweaty, my eyes widen and my heart rate picks up in fright as every horror movie I've seen flashes through my mind. I hear a growl behind me and I quickly turn and see a flash of a pair of red glowing eyes before being knocked back against the wall and falling hard onto the ground, crying out in pain. I sit up and look at my right arm to see long claw marks embedded into my skin, a steady flow of blood soaking the arm of my shirt. Why am I not healing? My breathing becomes shallow as the fright becomes worse with the time that passes. I hear more loud crashes and I look up to see shelves toppling down like dominos and DVD's scattering on the ground. I swear I heard someone cry out. Jack-ass! Damn, he's still here. I struggle to try and get up but freeze when I see an abnormally large wolf hunched over a body before sprinting out the window.


"Looks like we need to take you to the hospital sweetie. We need to stitch up those scratches. We'll be right back to take you soon." I nod as the paramedics left me in the back of the ambulance.

Dissipate - Stiles StilinskiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora