Chapter Eleven

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I'm sitting to the left of Scott in Maths class while Stiles sits behind him, the teacher handing out the tests that we did not too long ago.

Stiles leans forward in his seat and not so quietly whispers to Scott. "If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did it?" Stiles sends me a small glance and I know he's thinking of the latest dream I told him about with Scott and Derek. Turns out that the dream I had actually happened, leaving Stiles and I extremely confused.

"I don't know." Scott whispers back. After a pause Stiles leans forward again.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know." At that moment the teacher sets my paper down on my desk, going down the rows. 'B' Wow. I'm doing better than I thought I was. I smile proudly at the work in front of me, unable to contain it.

"Does Allison's Dad know about the Alpha?"

Scott, seeming to have enough turns around and snaps. "I don't know!" The class, including myself, turns to look at the pair. The teacher slides Scott and Stiles their papers and Stiles and I immediately show each other our results. I smile when I see the 'A' circled on his page and he gives me thumbs up. I set my paper back down on my desk and look over to see a 'D' circled on Scott's paper.

"Dude, you need to study more." I state, causing Scott to glare at me. "That was a joke." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Scott, it's one test, you're gonna make it up." Stiles tries to comfort. "Do you need help studying?"

"No, I'm studying with Allison after school today."

"That's my boy." Stiles pats Scott's shoulder and I look at him confused, Scott doing the same thing.

"We're just studying."

"No, you're not."

"I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled." Stiles says, getting louder as the sentence goes on.

"Stiles, quiet down. Wait, but Stiles, you help me study all the time?" Scott smirks and Stiles looks taken aback.

"Y-yeah but we're not dating." I can tell he's coming up with this on the spot. "It only applies to people who are dating."

"Sure, sure." I roll my eyes and turn back around to face the front. A part of me feels a little saddened but I quickly try and squash those feelings. Ain't nobody got time for that.

"De-balled, Scott de-balled." Stiles whispers to Scott.

"Okay, just please stop with the questions."

"Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek - who still scares me."

I sigh and mutter; "You and me both."


Stiles and I race out of school and head towards his car, eager to get away from the school. I'm free from the hell hole! Until tomorrow. We quickly hop in and Stiles drives out of his parking space.

A very pale man staggers out in front the Jeep holding out his arm. Stiles, seeing the man, immediately slams on the breaks pushing me forward and then violently throwing me back.

"Derek?" I question and Stiles groans in annoyance.

"This guy is everywhere." He complains. Derek starts to sway on his feet and eventually falls to the ground. I quickly get out of the car and see a long cue of cars lined up behind ours, waiting to get out. I race towards Derek and kneel down beside him, noticing the dark circles under his eyes, his pale skin and sweaty face. Scott races up and kneels down beside Derek on the opposite side.

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