Chapter Six

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A/N Thank you so much for the reads. Over 60! Thank you. I know it might not be a lot but it is a lot to me. So thank you again and I'll let you get back to the story.

Stiles POV

Claire, Scott and I walk into the hospital. I look around until I spot the door labelling 'Morgue.' "Hey." I slap Scott on the arm and point at the door.

"Okay." He whispers, looking around before opening the door.

"Good luck, I guess." I quickly say as Scott shoot through the door, closing it silently behind him. I turn around to see Claire looking around as she moves across the room to take a seat in the waiting area. I sigh and walk over to Claire, slowly taking a seat next to her.

"Tell me, why are we doing this again? I mean Scott sniffing half a dead girl's body. That's just weird. Even to me." Claire whispers, leaning towards me.

I look at her beautiful sparkling eyes as I reply; "It's the best idea we have. After this, if it's the same scent, we'll go and dig up the body, tell my Dad in the morning, get Derek arrested and everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it can get with Scott being a werewolf and all..."

Claire nods her head slightly, looks down at her linked hands and sighs. I turn my head to face ahead of me. Out of all the problems I've been facing lately, why does figuring out if Claire feels the same way about me as I do with her seem top priority? I move my eyes to scan across the room and spot Lydia sitting in a seat twirling her strawberry blonde hair in between her fingers. Is she here for Jackson? With his shoulder being busted it seems like the most logical excuse. Wait a minute. I glance at Claire quickly and look back at Lydia. What if I try and make Claire jealous by talking to Lydia? If she ends up getting jealous then that's a sign that she likes me, right? There's not really much that I can lose.

I turn to look at Claire once more. "I'll be right back."

Claire gives me a confused look and I stand up and walk towards Lydia before she can reply.

Claire's POV

"I'll be right back." Stiles says and I give him a confused stare. Where the hell is he going? He stands up and starts to walk away before I can even muster up a reply. I see Stiles slowly approach a strawberry blonde girl sitting on the other side of the room. Lydia. I feel a small ache in my chest, why it's there, I have no idea. I mean I shouldn't feel anything towards this right? Every guy falls for Lydia, even some girls do too, I mean who wouldn't with her looks. Although she can be a bit snobby and she may treat my friends and me like we are 'beneath her' at times, she is the most popular girl at school and the prettiest. I don't bend that way or anything, I'm just stating a fact.

I sigh and shrink lower in my seat, trying to listen into her conversation. Stiles smirks, leans against the wall with his arms crossed and looks down at Lydia.

"Hey Lydia. You probably don't remember me. Um, I sit behind you in Biology." Stiles starts to stutter and scratches the back of his head. Well, this is going to end beautifully. "Uh, anyway. I always thought we had this kind of, um, connection. Unspoken of course." Lydia continues to look at Stiles, listening intently. "Maybe it'd be kinda cool to, you know, get to know each other a little better."

I cross my arms over my chest, feeling a little deflated. I shouldn't feel like this, I know that. I should feel happy he's going for the girl of his dreams, but I just don't. Lydia looks at Stiles questioningly and moves her hair away from her ear, revealing an ear piece. I sit up straighter, uncross my arms and try to hold in a laugh.

"Hold on, give me a second." Lydia says into her ear piece before removing it, looking at Stiles. "Yeah, I didn't get any of what you just said. Is it worth repeating?"

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