Chapter Five

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Stiles POV:

I'm sitting in my room in front of my laptop, ready to call Scott while Clairey just lies around on my bed. Once Scott picks up the call I point my toy gun at the camera and shoot at him with a smirk on my face.

I hear Clairey mutter behind me: "You're such a dork." So I swivel around in my seat to face her and raise an eyebrow.

"Thanks." I smirk. Claire jumps up off the bed and makes her way over to me and sits on my lap, turning the chair to face Scott. Oh, my God. She's sitting on my lap. What the hell do I do? Alright, don't touch her, just act natural. Or as natural as you can get. I sit with my arms on the arm rests and prop up my right arm to lean my head to the side so I can see Scott. Who is smirking at me. With his eyebrows raised. I glare at him. I know I must have red cheeks already. Seriously Scott? Why not do something a little less obvious like tell the world how much I have loved her since the third freaking grade. I sigh, earning a curious glance from Claire.

"What did you guys find?" Scott asks. Thanks, Scott, for not saying anything.

"Well, Jackson has a separated shoulder, which isn't good." Claire says in monotone.

"Because of me?" Scott asks leaning forward, worry written clearly on his face.

"Because he's a tool." I say. Claire lets out a laugh. I love her laugh; it's so joyous and happy and focus on the problem Stiles! I mentally slap myself.

"Is he gonna play?"

"They don't know yet." Claire leans in slightly, making me stiffen with nerves. I cough to try to mask my nerves. "N-Now they are just counting on you for Saturday." Scott sighs and leans back in his seat.

I feel Clairey tap my hand, so I look up and see worry etched on her face. Before I ask what's wrong she points to the corner of the screen, making sure that the movement is hidden from the camera. Holy shit. Someone's behind Scott.

Claire and I immediately lean forward and she starts typing to Scott. 'It looks like...' Great. It chooses to freeze now? '...someone's behind you.'

Scott's eyes widen and he quickly turns around to see a dark figure approach him. As Scott stands up the dark figure grabs him and throws him against the wall.

Claire stands up and starts pacing when the video call suddenly ends. Is it bad that I miss her presence? Yes Stiles it is.

"Clairey calm down. I'm sure he'll be just fine." Clairey stops pacing and looks at me. She nods her head and flops down onto my bed.

I stand up from my desk chair and walk over to the bed to sit next to Claire.

"Are you okay Claire? You were shaking quite a lot this afternoon from what happened in the locker rooms." I put my hand on hers and give her hand a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tilt my head to the side and look at her free hand playing with the hem of her shirt.

"You're playing with your shirt. You're lying." I link my fingers with hers as she sits up squeezing my hand. My heart picks up the pace with her touch. I know she just wants comfort. I know not to think anything of it. But it's hard not to. I look down, then after a little while I look back at her. "You know that I am here for you, right? Always have been, always will be." She looks at me with her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm just scared." Her voice is quiet and weak. I decide to move closer to Claire and put my arm around her shoulders. She leans her head against my shoulder. "I'm scared that Scott is going to wolf out again. I'm scared that we won't be so lucky next time in trying to calm him down. What if he actually succeeds in killing us next time? What if he changes on the field and he doesn't have enough control and he goes around trying to kill people? I just... I don't want that to happen. Because if it does happen I don't think I would be able to handle it."

Dissipate - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now