Ch 20: New side of me

Start from the beginning

Now, I took this vampire's hand, that by chance had the most charming, gorgeous physics of a Greek God, but was actually the real masked devil, waiting for his prey. I don't know what exactly he wanted from me, if he even cared a little like he showed he did, or if that was just a other one of his sick games, but what I did know was that I had to win him over before he got tired and, like Nathaniel warned me, kill me once I was out of no use.

So, I took his hand, got out of the car, and made sure to light up my face at least a little. But it was hard to put up this whole act when we were in the middle of the road surrounded by nothing but endless woods.. And even worse, once I was out of the car, the driver got back inside and drove off, leaving me on an empty gray road with the devil himself. In that moment my heart just dropped at the pit of my stomach, and the only thing crossing my mind was, dear God I was going to die. This was my end.

I tried to keep myself together, and in order to cause at least some kind of an effect on him, I just didn't let go of his hand, simply tightening my grip as I glanced up at him. "Why are we here?" I tried to keep my voice as quiet as possible, trying to hide that war of emotions going on inside me, trying to push back the sudden cut of air in my lungs.

Petrovic just intertwined his fingers with mine and started walking towards the woods. I thought that at any second I was about to lose it and start screaming for him to let go, give at least some effort to my possible killer, but then I heard his voice and it oddly calmed a part of me. "Shh kitten, I wanna show you something." I started walking as we got in the woods, and I don't know where my mind was, but oh God, I could've actually gotten killed. It was a mistake even making that first step inside the woods.

There was a second where all kinds of things went through my head, and I just stopped. Froze on my spot, and let go of his hand. He was still holding me when he stopped as well and turned to look at me, but I was ready to refuse any kind of further movement until I actually got the answer I needed. "No, I wanna know where you're taking me."

I saw that annoyance on his face when he realized that I was doing this because, yes, I didn't trust him one bit. "Lara, don't dramatize, I'm not going to hurt you." I heard myself release a slight breath and look on the side for a second, before I carefully took a small step to continue. It bothered me that he was not letting go of my hand, but at same time, it made a part of me feel secure, and once I wrapped my fingers around his, I swear there was this line of tingles going up my arm.. However, I refused to like it. Why would I? I mean, he was still the one that I was supposed to run from.

But then, there I was, once again not listening to my own instincts and following his steps. "And keep quiet, there are wolves in these woods. We don't want to wake them." My hand instinctively wrapped tighter against his, but all I heard was a dry laugh escape him.. Was he insane? You don't tell people stuff like that just to see their reaction. Was this really just a joke to him?

  "Don't do that. I'm scared of places like this anyway.." My voice came out quieter than I intended, but I was too busy trying to see where I was stepping, and at the same time each leaf I set my foot on made me jump from the little cracking.. Even though it was sunrise, it was still pretty dark, and trust me, being in the woods at dawn was not a good idea. He knew that, perhaps that's why he brought me here. It was probably another one of his ways on teaching me to respect him, and every each one of his 'methods' was sick in a way, but at the same time effective.

    "Don't worry, princess, I'll kill anyone that comes near you." I heard him say that so casually.. I had trouble registering his words correctly. It was just hard for me to believe that he found it so easy to say such heavy words. It seemed like he talked so mechanically and instinctively, he didn't even bother to turn and look at me. And the scariest part is, he was serious. I knew what he was capable of. I've seen what he was capable if.. But I kept questioning why me.. Why was he ready to kill for me? Was it because I reminded him of a girl he once loved? Because that wasn't a reason strong enough to grow such obsession over something.. Someone. And in this case, me.

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