Why I don't update often

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I hate to say this, but I'm not motivated. I won't make the usual excuses. I'm not feeling depressed and I'm not unhappy with the stories. I just can't at the moment.

lately with everything going on, recovering from the sickness and  doing finals, I just don't have a lot of time right now. I'm to tired when I come home and can't get enough energy to write. I've tried drinking energy drinks, sleeping earlier to have enough energy, and even forcing myself to stay up. But no matter what I try, I can't write anything good when I'm tired. It becomes a jumbled mess. (I'm sure you can tell from some of the chapters here lol.)

I'm not going to risk my health again for this, so you all might have to wait until school gets out before I start writing again. I know I've said this plenty of times before, but I just need time.

Once summer break comes, I will have plenty of time. I promise all of you, I'll try my hardest to get back. I honestly love you all for your support. I could never say it enough, but I do love you guys. Thank you for sticking with me through all this. I'm just tired, and it's time for me to sleep.

XOXO - Sparkle

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