Chapter 19:Love is in The Air

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Hey motherfucker, guess who is finally back!!!!!!! Ya that's right bitch, me. I'm finally better now and I'll try and get back onto schedule. I'll truly be honest with you though, it may be longer for the chapters to come out because it is going to be hard for me to get the motivation back. :( but I'll try I promise!!! Love you all babies!!!!

PS: music by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu  and is called "PonPonPon"     XOXO- Sparkle


Conner's POV:

    My heart was racing as his words processed in my mind. Really? Leave, like, right now? Wait... does that mean... oh my God. Okay, okay I can do this! I gave him a slight nod and bite my lip. Okay, maybe I was nervous for this. I mean, holy shit, I've never done anything like this before! What was I going to do!? God I'm so fucked, knowing me I'll end up just flopping around like a fish. FUCK!!!

    I let out a shaky breath as I'm being led out of the gymnasium towards the entrance. This is really happening right now... I just need to calm myself down that's all, right? Am I just getting worked up for nothing?

    The cold air hits me as we finally make our way out the door and into the winter cold. It helped the burning feeling in my face a bit, but not by much. Zach turns back to me with a bright grin covering his face as his eyes were still glowing their bright grey.

    Right, that's why I was nervous. He just seemed so perfect, what if I wasn't good enough for him or he was disappointed in me for not being experienced? No! Stop it Conner, you know he loves you. Don't do this now, of all times!

    Without even realizing it, the truck door was shut behind me and I was sitting there in the rickety seat. How long was I blanked out for? I know I don't pay attention, but damn. I watched as Zach hopped into the driver's seat and let out a satisfied sigh.

    His face seemed so serene as we sat there in silence for a few moments. Okay... were we going somewhere or... I am not doing it in the truck for my first time. As I'm sitting here stuck in my own thoughts, I feel a hand rest against my thigh and a thumb rubbing circles into the fabric.

    I look up from my lap to his dark orbs. Wait, they weren't glowing anymore? I could see the faint blush against his cheeks as a small grin graced his lips.

    "I'm nervous too, it's alright. I haven't exactly done this before either, so... we'll take this one step at a time. But, if we're going to do this, I want it to be in a special place. Mind if we head out for a bit?"

    His voice shook slightly as he rambled on and the bright blush only darkened. He's so fucking adorable I swear he's going to give me a heart attack. I entwine my hand in his and let out a slight chuckle, leaning in and leaving a light kiss against his cheek.

    "I would love that. One step at a time." I could feel my skin turning a dark pink but I could care less. Sure it was embarrassing, but I knew how much he loved it when I blushed. I wouldn't try and hide that from him, especially when it seemed to be calming him down right about now.

    He gave me one last smile before turning forward and turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life and we were out of the school's parking lot in minutes. Okay, so he was excited as I was then because he was driving at least at sixty-fix miles per hour on a road where the speed limit was forty.

    I could hear his shaky breathing for where I sat, and to be honestly, it was kind of reassuring to know he was as nervous as I was. I wasn't the only one inexperienced here. So... I would be his first? Oh god, I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe I really wasn't good enough. Maybe he would something more. After all I was just some scrawny kid with a heavy limp and bad emotional problems. Who would want someone like me?

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