Chapter 4: "Please, You Don't Have to Be Alone Anymore."

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Conner ---->

Sup boo! Got some good shit for ya today :3 I'm gonna try and get myself into a schedule with this story... unlike my others. Look, I'm not promising anything but I'm gonna try XD The picture above will be our baby Conner... and I couldn't find a good picture for Dillon so image this picture but with Dillon's hair XD


Conner's POV:

    I walk through the school's front doors with a smile on my face. I am so excited for today! For once in my pathetic life I am excited to go to school. I had a friend now, other than my brother that is, and was exhilarated to spend the day with him!

    I practically bounce my way up the steps to the second floor and wait for my brother at the top. Once he's at the top he gives me his shit eating grin of his and pulls me into a bear hug.

    "I'm glad you're finally happy." He ruffles my hair and pulls me along next to him. I know most people think he's a douche, well he can be but he's still a great brother. He honestly cares about me and can be really nice. He's just not a big people person.

    He smiles back at me as we enter homeroom, pulling me to the back of the room. We sit down in our seats and begin to talk when someone comes up to my desk.

    His tall figure looms over me and I immediately freak out. His crystal blue eyes burn into me and the frown on his face deepens when I notice him. I try and say something but my mouth sticks closed. Why couldn't I say anything. Damn you mouth!

    "You're in my seat." His voice sounded pissed as he continues to stare down at me, his long blonde hair falling into his angry looking eyes.

    What was this guy's problem? He wasn't here yesterday, and it's not like his name is on the seat. A spark of anger burns inside me until I see the one person that I wanted to see since I woke up.

    Zach wanders into the classroom and turns his head, looking for something. Or should I say someone because once he spots me a smile forms on his gorgeous face.

    He stalks closer to us and looks over to the mystery man in front of me with confusion. His smile faltered when he sees the face of the guy in front of me and sighs in frustration.

    "What are you bothering Conner for Zedd?" Zach's tone immediately comes off as aggressive and dominate as he steps between the desk, me, and... Zedd was it? Who the hell names their kid Zedd?

    I jump in my seat, or "Zedd's" seat, when Zedd raises his voice.

    "Why the fuck should you care? Get out of my way asshole." He tries shoving Zach to the side but is only successful in nudging him. Damn, I forgot how much of a wall Zach was. I'm used to seeing him be sweet and gentle, but with Zedd he's kind of scary.

    "Leave him alone." Did Zach just fucking growl? God, how angry does someone have to be to growl like a dog? I sink back in my seat when Zedd steps closer to Zach, practically challenging him.

    They stare at each other angrily for another moment before Zedd steps down and storms to the open seat in the front of the room. I hear Dillon let out a sigh of relief before Zach turns back to us with a troubled expression on his face.

    "Was he bothering you two?" His dark eyes never left mine, and boy would I be lying if I said that I didn't find him hot right now. He was protecting me from someone and to know he's worried makes a blush form on my face. I give him a little shrug and smile up at him.

An Alpha's Mate:  Twins?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ