Chapter 13: Meet the Parents!

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Kadin and Zach's Wolves ----> 

IIIIII'm~ Baaaaaack!!!! Look at these floofers! Aren't they cute together!? Alright alright I'll settle down. *clears throat* okay. Soooo I know the last chapter was pretty horrid to read so I'm making another to make up for it. I hope it turns out alright! XOXO- Sparkle


Kadin's POV:

    I must be dreaming. I'll wake up from this and I'll still be single and sleeping in an empty bed. It's all too good to be true. It's why I don't want to open my eyes.

    I can feel the warmth beside me, but ever since I woke up I was to afraid to see if he was really there.

    Maybe I'm just crazy and was hallucinating. That had to be it. There was no way in hell that the man of my dreams was the one holding me right now.

    I mean, it could be anyone. Mom could have come home and heard me crying in my sleep and decided to try and comfort me. God, can that not be it though?

     I'm brought from my thoughts as I feel warm lips brush against mine, making them tingle. Oh god. Oh my god. My pants are getting a bit too tight. It definitely has to be him. I wouldn't react like that to anyone else.

    The bed shifts from beside me and I hear my bathroom door open and close. I let out a sigh. This is amazing! Should I... well I don't know! Should I actually get up and wish him a good morning? No, that's too formal.

    I'm startled when I feel a small, warm hand gently shaking my shoulder.

    "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I flip over to look up at his face and smile. For the first time, his eyes were shining and seemed so alive. His face looked so gentle and loving as he looked down at me.

    "I ran you a bath. I thought you'd be happy to wake up and have a nice hot bath, might actually help with the pain as well." I can feel my face heating up as the words left his lips.

    So that's why he went into my bathroom? That was... really sweet. This is a whole new side to him I've never seen before, and I think I like it. He's not acting like his usual asshole self. Not that I'm complaining, I find it pretty funny most of the time. But this, it's like he reserved this part of himself, just for the people he cared about.

    A smile lights up on my face as the thought crosses my mind. I really do mean a lot to him. That honestly means the world to me.

    When I heard him say that he loved me, it was like time itself stopped. All the pain that had built up inside me had simply vanished and was replaced with this warmth I have never felt before.

    Those simple words had fixed everything. Not just the pain or the rejection, but everything. Before I met him, It was like I was lost. Every morning I would wake up and wonder if I would ever find that special person, my mate. But like everyone always told me to do, I just brushed it off and went on with my day.

    I guess I didn't realize how empty that made me feel until now. I was... depressed in other words. Because I thought that I would be alone, I didn't have a passion for anything. As I got older I just didn't find joy in anything I liked anymore because no matter what I did, I felt lonely.

    But now, I don't have to feel that anymore. Dillon loves me and I plan on sticking with him for as long as possible. I want to make him happy, just like he makes me happy.

    I push myself up into a sitting position and wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. I take in his scent as I bury my face into the nape of his neck.

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