Original: Chapter 31 - Shopping Trip

Start from the beginning

"Well sure, do you really wanna come clothes shopping with me though?" I asked

"As long as you are buying underwear and I can imagine you wearing it, then sure" He winked and smirked at me. He is such a flirt.

"Urgh, but you are driving" I told him throwing Kelly's car keys at him. I don't have a car, but I did learn to drive, so Kelly has been letting me drive her car if I needed it. Not that I have gone anywhere that isn't within walking distance until now. 

The mall was about a 20 minute drive away, and through out the whole car journey James and I sung along to the songs on the radio and criticising each others singing voices, this is the most casual, relaxed fun I've had in a long time. 

"So what is it you need to get?" James asked as we approached the mall and found a parking space.

"Well because I've been invited to go on holiday with your family, I think I'll need basic holiday items like bikinis, sandals and stuff" I told him. 

James grinned at me and then whispered in my ear "I wish I was coming on holiday with you..." He said "...then I'd be able to see that amazing body in a tiny bikini" He winked, then turned and jumped out of the car. 

I felt my cheeks flush red. Is James trying to come onto me, because my goodness I've never had this much male attention within a week let alone my whole life; and now I've had 3 handsome males from the same family flirt with me within a month. 

Sophia, you only care for one of those male's attention though, My subconscious reminded me unfortunately. I know you can't automatically change how you feel about someone, but maybe if I allow myself to get to know James a little better maybe I'll finally get over Noah and be happy with him? 

I don't want to get over Noah though, It's not that I can't. Well maybe it is that I can't, but I also refuse to. I just keep telling myself that when he has had enough of Brooke, then he will be mine and I will be his, it may be in years to come but he will always have a place in my heart, because I love him. 

"You coming?" James shouted to me snapping me back to reality from my thoughts. I nodded and followed him into the mall. We went into a variety of different shops since they all had their summer collection already on the clothes racks. 

I casually walked around the clothes picking up different items to take with me into the dressing rooms. James wasn't much help, he kept choosing the bikinis which had minimal coverage and saying how good they would look on me. I don't know whether to believe him or not because he also picked up a pair of granny panties and said I would look stunning wearing them. 

I mean sure I've owned a pair in my life and they were the most comfortable thing ever, but I don't know about them being sexy. Well unless James is into older women who wear those. 

"What do you think of this one?" I asked James, holding the bikini up to show him. 

"Hmm, not too keen on the colour, maybe try it in red?" He suggested, I'm surprised he is actually helping me with this and he has a pretty good female fashion sense which is also a bonus for him tagging along on this shopping trip. 

"You have to try it on!" James said and I immediately refused "Oh come on, it's not because I want to see you in it - well I do- but it's because it'll make you feel a hundred times better about what ever is annoying you"

"What?" I asked

"Seriously Sophia, I can tell that there is something bothering you. I've known you less than a day and I can already tell, you aren't great at hiding your true feelings." 

"There's nothing wrong" I protested

"I see you're also bad at lying too" He laughed and I marched into the changing rooms to prove that I was fine and would try it on regardless.

I handed the employee my items and she hung them up in a changing room and pulled the curtain across, just as I was changing I heard James arguing from outside the changing rooms with the same employee.

"Sorry sir you can't come in here, this is females only," the employee said to James and I heard him gasp

"Excuse me.." He said in a more high pitched voice giving the stereotypical 'gay' vibe towards the employee "...my bestest girl friend in here needs her beloved gay stylists advice, so if you do excuse me" 

Seconds later the curtain was being pulled and inside stepped James grinning at me, I smacked him playfully on the chest and rolled my eyes. Luckily before he came in I had put the bikini on and was standing there slightly self conscious. 

James' eyes roamed my body, and he gestured for me to turn 360 and I did. As much as this makes me feel slightly awkward, James sure could be a stylist his sense of fashion for both males and females is really good.

After a few more awkward seconds he finally said "He'll love it!" 

"What! Who?" I asked confused, who does he mean will love this bikini? 

"My cousin" 

"Jackson?" I questioned 

"No, Noah," James smirked at me wiggling his eyebrows

"What, no. Oh god James I think you have the wrong idea. We aren't together" I clarified 

"Yup I know.  I've heard from my whole family that you guys have a secret thing going on," I am going to kill Kelly because of her big mouth, she knows more about the weird relationship between Noah and I than anyone else so it must've been her. 

"To be honest I'd rather see him with you than anyone else, like I said I've only known you for a day but you seem to be a decent person" He added "Come on let's buy these and get out of here."


I promised you guys that I would try to upload weekly on Saturdays and I haven't kept my promise so I am truly sorry. 

Here is my dilemma, I want to make each chapter as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible which is hard for me when I'm really not that inspired to write at the moment. So that is why this chapter is short as I didn't know what to put into it.

However you will be happy to hear that I have been planning the vacation for the McKenzie's thoroughly which will be coming up in the next few chapters.

Sorry for the wait guys I really am! 

But thank you for the continued support and 45k reads!

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