"How is that possible? She is immortal," Michael breathed; his face contorted in pain.

Gwion answered his question, "Immortal doesn't mean that she can't die. It only means she won't die of old age. And she is not truly immortal until she is fully formed after her 10th week. She could die now. And Eve could die. Their bond is like none other. Unlike a human baby, their life forces are connected. Lose one, and there is a high probability of losing the other."

What?! My brain was spinning. They couldn't die; they just couldn't, I screamed on the inside. Myrnin must have felt the sudden increase in my anxiety, because he slid behind me and wrapped his arms protectively around my shoulders.

"Can you connect to her?" Myrnin murmured to Gwion. "If she can heal..." he left the sentence hanging.

"It's possible," Gwion answered.

"What is possible? What the hell are you talking about?" Michael asked brusquely.

Gwion replied, "I may be able to connect to the baby."

"Faeryn... Her name is Faeryn," Eve interrupted weakly.

Gwion continued, "I may be able to connect to Faeryn mentally. Many Immortals have the talent of healing. My connection might help determine how developed she is, and she may be able to help heal what is broken, if I can guide her. Even though Immortals have quite varied talents, they require training to use them to their fullest potential."

"Do it," Eve rasped, before grimacing in pain and panting.

"She needs pain medicine," Michael hissed to her obstetrician.

Gwion interjected, "No. Any foreign substance could be volatile with Faeryn's delicate structure. And absolutely no vampire blood; it would wreak havoc and most likely kill her. I should be able to compel the pain. Once I connect, I will know more."

"Okay," Michael said in resignation.

Gwion moved to Eve's side. "May I?" He nodded toward her covered belly.

"Anything," Eve said resolutely.

"Hand me another blanket," Gwion instructed the nearest nurse. She quickly pulled one from the cabinet and placed it in his hands. He unfolded it and laid it over Eve's legs and lower waist to keep that portion of her covered. He then proceeded to reveal her abdomen, pulling the first blanket up over her belly. "Turn the sound off of all of the machines," he instructed. The nurses again accommodated him quickly, flicking the switches on the machines, so that they made no noise.

Placing a hand on either side of her stomach gently, Gwion closed his eyes. For a moment, he was silent. And then suddenly, he inhaled sharply. I was shocked to see him sway and briefly wondered if he was going to fall. Michael must have thought the same thing because he snatched the nearest chair and placed it under him. Gwion sat down and continued to hold on, his face contorted in pain.

My entire body trembled and I gripped Myrnin's hands tightly. I could not even imagine what could have caused that type of physical response in Gwion. He hadn't even blinked when he bit into Amelie's tainted blood, but whatever was happening now, brought him to his knees.

"Shhh... It will be okay. This is actually a good sign. It means he has connected to her. She is quite strong," Myrnin whispered softly in my ear.

Unexpectedly, Gwion spoke to Myrnin, "Compel her pain." I felt Myrnin tense behind me. Clearly he had not expected that response. But almost immediately, Eve relaxed. I was extremely thankful that she was no longer writhing in agony, but terrified that Gwion had not been able to do it on his own.

Gwion spoke slowly, "She is not fully formed... Their bond is fragile... Almost broken." Then he lapsed into silence.

No one uttered a sound while we all waited.

Finally, he spoke gravely, "Their bond is rapidly diminishing. It will break, causing them both to die within a matter of hours. And Faeryn is not formed enough to survive delivery now. She needs more time."

All of the air was sucked out of my lungs by my panic.

"No!" Eve wailed. "It cannot end like that. I won't let it," she hissed fiercely. "Tell me what I have to do. I will do anything!"

Gwion looked up at Eve and murmured, "I may be able to hold the bond to some extent. I cannot tell yet if Faeryn has healing ability to help knit it back together. She's blocking me. She doesn't like the invasiveness...And she is stubborn," he said wryly.

"That's my girl," Eve whispered brokenly, fierce pride in her tone. "Can you convince her...Will she let you teach her?"

Gwion suddenly looked up at Myrnin and instructed, "Get Liam."

Michael stiffened.

Myrnin immediately reached for his phone.

"He's here," I whispered. "He said he was coming here." Myrnin released me and disappeared into the hallway, only to return less than a second later with Liam right behind him. I was thankful when Myrnin resumed his supportive position behind me because I was certain my legs were going to give out at any moment, under the excruciating anxiety running rampantly through me.

Gwion moved his hands to one side and instructed Liam, "Place your hands on her belly."

Liam gently placed both hands on the other side of her belly. There was a collective gasp in the room when suddenly Eve's belly moved. I couldn't tell what body part it was, but clearly the baby changed position.

Eve panted sharply, "She's turning!"

Gwion closed his eyes in concentration and murmured, "Isolde is the dominant bloodline in her. She recognized Liam and turned to face him. If I am correct, she is reaching for his hand."

"You are correct...I can feel her hands moving under mine," Liam whispered brokenly, overwhelmed with emotion.

Huge tears fell from Eve's eyes as she mouthed the words, "Thank you".

Liam held Eve's gaze and murmured "Do not thank me. There is no place else I would rather be."

From my peripheral vision, I saw Michael's hand clench into a fist. I knew all he wanted to do was toss Liam out of the room, and probably out of the hospital altogether. But he would not risk Eve or the baby's health, when it was obvious the baby was drawn toward Liam's presence.

"She's calming down...Do not move," Gwion instructed firmly. "I will try to get through to her."

And so the vigil began...


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