The Argument

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Creator's note: This is more of a comedy and plot wise chapter, and I don't know if my sense of humor is your sense of humor, so yea?

At the GCPD

Barbara waited Jack as she explained that there are some people went missing to Batman and Robin.

Jack arrived just on time, Barbara was reliefed just by seeing Jack, "oh Jack, thank god that I'm not going work with this man-child alone" Barbara said as her eyes pointed to Batman.

Jack glanced at the vigilante who usually was dark, brooding and energetic now seem exhausted and sleepy "whoa, what happened to him?"

"Alfred said that he didn't sleep last night" Robin answered to the scarfed hero.

And just as Jack was about to say something, Batman 'drunk-ly' walked to Jack saying "y'know.. your puffy eyebrows.. reminds me of Joker" Batman then landed on Jack as he tried to catch him before he fell. Batman began to sleep on his thin shoulders and also a bit of a soft snore.

'Jokers' heart pumped a million times faster than it should be, blood rushing making his face a shade of pink, I mean he is holding his greatest enemy!

He reaaally tried to keep his cool, since Batman mentioned that Jack reminded him of Joker, especially with his pink shade face, the new hero looked at Barbara who seem only to shrug it off as something a sleepy Batman would do.

even though he is still kinda mad about yesterday, it still felt nice to feel his warm body around him.

Barbara rolled her eyes, "anyways I've been thinking lately on how to prevent these criminals breaking out of prison, it would be nice if Batman wasn't such a lazy ass and keep his sleeping schedule regulary" barbara then glance at Batman ominously.

Batman was slightly awoken by what she said "You're the police commissioner.. not me, I'm even doing this for free, you should do your job even better you lil' s%#t" Batman insulted her even though he didn't realise what he just said then he went back to sleep on Jacks shoulder.

'Joker' really tried to not burst out laughing from how adorable Batsy is, even Robin is trying not to laugh! "is this always how he acts when he's sleepy?" 'Joker' asked to both Babs and Robin.

"I'm not sure if I want to fu#%$ng know" Babs admitted infact it looks like that she is angry.

"Language!" Robin shouted.

"Whatever" Barbara replied.

"Batman sounds like that he's drunk" Jack suggested.

"Uhm, Padre doesn't drink alcohol" Robin said.

"Okay! Seriously, come to my office and we'll talk about this" Barbara requested to the heroes.

Joker's/ Jack's P.O.V

I tried to woke Batman up, but he won't budge, "c'mon Batsy wake up" "n-nooo" I sighed I guess I was force to carry the bats over to the office, not in a 'princess style' he's too heavy for that, but just carrying him by the shoulders.

I explored her office, it was very boring and brown, papers seems to be everywhere on the desk that she has.

"Joker and Harley escaped prison last night,my gosh, those two are a duo, and Scarecrow also escaped last night" Barbara then started to slam the desk and lean on it, it disturbed me that she mentioned my name but gosh she is so angry tonight, sheesh.

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