The Disguise

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Disclaimer: This fanfic is based on The Lego Batman Movie.

3rd P.O.V

At one of Joker's lair

Joker needs new idea to cause chaos in Gotham, but he can't think of anything, must be a writers block. Or planner's block...?

"Maybe robbing a bank" he mumbled

"No no, that's too boring" Joker replied to himself

"Blowing up Gotham City?"

"No.. I already did that"

He sat quietly staring at the empty sheet of paper in front of him. Holding a pen and flickering it. He bites his own lips trying to open his imagination.

Then Joker heard the roller skates and looked at the source of the sound which is his Best Friend Harley, who's skating around organizing some messy papers and blueprints that is filled up with sketches and scarped ideas on how to destroy Gotham city.

It has been 2 weeks since his brilliant scheme of blowing up Gotham City, y'know Batman admitted to Joker that he is his greatest enemy and saying "I hate you" at the romantic sunset.

Joker sighed in exhaustion and looked down at the floor, he then stretch his sore arms since he has been in that position for probably hours.

"What's the matter mistah J?" Harley questioned as if she knows what is going on in Joker's mind.

"Ouuh nothing" He shruged looking at Harley, and turned back to the blank sheet of paper.

Harley then smiled and approached Joker slowly, she touched Joker's shoulders, "are you having a planner's block?"

"Yeah.." he admitted "I just want this plan to be perfect for Batman to say WOW Joker, you are the worst person I've ever met in my life" Joker said as he did a character impression of Batman's low pitched voice.

"Nobody in the world could be worser than you" Joker closed his eyes exitedly smiling thinking about The Dark Knight.

Harley knows that Joker likes the vigilante rather than hate him, and would do anything to get his attention, when, good or bad, he still loves it. Harley wants to help, but she is slightly concerned about Joker mental health.

"Maybe you should take a break" Harley suggested.

Joker's smile turned into a frown in confusion as he heard that sentence, "excuse me, what?"

"Boo, you have been fighting Batman for 78 YEARS!" she began to circled around The Joker as she kept trying to convince him "Maybe it's time for you to relax a bit"

"I cannot do that! What about Batman? Who's gonna fight him? What if I got replaced by Bane! Or Superman!" he tried to imagine the worst possible outcome as possible.

Harley giggled "Well, not like in a week or something. Maybe just today? Just do something fun. I'm sure nobody will take your place overnight"

"Well first of all, killing people and causing chaos is my type of fun" Joker replied sassily.

Harley facepalmed, "why not go out there right now"

"In the morning? Are you crazy? Cops would totally not arrest me!" Joker replied sarcastically.

"Noo boo, I mean with some kind of disguise, and you should meet people in Gotham to probably come up with some kind of plan to destroy their souls"

Joker then admitted that it would be nice to take a break once in a while, it's only 1 single day.

He replaced his green fluffly hair to a brown shade with the same hairstyle as previous, Harley helped to remove all of his make up leaving his almost human skin to show, but still pale as always. And changed his colorful purple clothes, to a more formal and dull suit. It doesn't fit with Joker's style, but he actually kinda like it. He wore a scarf to hide his pointy teeth.

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