The rhwhwh-

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"What the hell were you doing?! You're supposed to capture him, not letting him go!" Barbara irritatedly screeched, putting both hands on her hips.

"I was! But-"

"Go away!" Barbara groaned and pushed Batman away to the side, letting Barbara get infront of the door. Opening it, Barbara saw the bright room with the same TV screens on the wall, she walked around to take a closer look but there was no one there, she took a few steps in and .

"Uhm sorry to interrupt." The familiar hero has returned.

she widened her eyes, she turned around behind her, and so does Batman. "Jack?" Barbara called

"JOKER IS RUNNING OVER THERE" Jack pointed outside of the building to the green haired villain, who is running towards a car.

Batman gasped "don't worry I got him!"

He then ran off without thinking "Batman, wait!" Barbara yelled, as the commissioner and Jack followed the vigilante.

Batman only kept chasing The Joker, he then jumped and tackles his body onto the dirty ground.

"You're under arrest Joker" Batman said as he pulled out his hand cuffs, he tried to help Joker stood up. Batman noticed his facial features looks too different. There was a diamond shaped tattoo on his face, and noticed that he has more 'feminim' lipstick than before, and he doesn't have the memorable pointy teeth he has.

"Wait a minute you're not Joker you're-" "Harley Quinn!" Batman's words was cut off by Harleys who kicked him off to a wall smashing his, and the handcuffs were dropped on to the ground. Batman stood up put in a fighting stance.

"Where's The Joker?!" Batman sounds like he demanded an answer more than asking a question.

"Oh Batman, my boo ran away! OOF-"

Barbara then finally grabbed Harley pushing her to the ground, "quick Jack, arrest her!" Jack managed to quickly grabbed the handcuffs from the dirt, grabbing Harleys hands arresting her.

"Take her to the police car, Jack" Barbara handed Harley to Jack, as she navigate them to the car, while the bats followed him in silence.

"Sorry girl bud, I'll get you out later" Jack whispered to Harley, hopefully Barbara and Batman didn't hear what he said, while Harley only sighed quietly "we're going to talk about this later" hopefully that Joker noticed that this "genius" plan is kinda crumbling. Jack opened the back of the police car and forcing Harley to sit down.

Barbara then stared at the two heros, "ya'll find the Joker, while I take Harley to the asylum" "can't we both work together?" Batman demanded "nope, you guys have to work together to search for Joker, okay?" she then left Jack and Batman alone in the dark knight.

"This was all your fault!"

"M-my fault?! What did I do?"

"Well you are Joker's greatest enemy now!"

"I never got involved with your hate-ship drama!"

"Well, you stole my enemy!"

"You gave your enemy to me!"

"Well, I told you that you shouldn't be Jokers enemy"

"I didn't do anything to make him hate me!"

"Yes you made us Split up!"

He said us, HE SAID US!! He does care about me! Too bad that he won't admit it in public 'Joker' thought and frowned to the vigilante.

"Oh you know why you split up with him? Let's review you hurted Joker's feelings, and Joker already say that hates you but you refused to say 'I hate you' back, making him humiliated infront of Gotham TV which millions of people watch!"

"Well you let Joker took away the tracker that I put on you"

Jack's eyes widen, acting all up "You put a tracker on me?"

"Who cares! It's the most Batman thing to do"

"You're invading my personal life?" The argument started to become a flame war between two heros. There was a long pause between them, The Dark Knight doesn't have anymore good comebacks.

Jack looked down to the ground with his eyes closed and hugged his own slim body.

"Y'know, sometimes I think you should be the villain" Jack claimed.

"We should split up" Jack said.

as Jack lift up his skinny legs exiting the grassy dirty fields. Batman was left speechless, he kept calm, The Bat still felt his heart crushing words that Joker said to him, he did his best to ignore it, but it's getting more painful after that argument with Jack. but Jack was right, he shouldn't be a piece of shit towards Joker, that he have been fighting for 78 years of his life.

Is this it? The end of Batman and The Joker. Is it too late to apoligize, AGAIN?


Hours later, Joker out off his Jack costume, and at 3 A.M Harley was put into Arkham asylum, and just as expected, Harley broke out if prison by her best friend Joker. As they went out of prison so easily that it feels boring to even break out with.

They stepped into the Joker mobile and ride it on the way home.


"Yeah, G-bud?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, yes I am"

"You can't be enemies with yourself! How are you going to work this out?"

"Well you could either be Jack and I'm going to be Joker"

"That's ridiculous"

"Oh come on boo, please It's hard to do but not impossibe!"

"Jay, out of all these plans you've been coming up with, This is stupidest! we just need to talk to Batman instead"

"No Harls!"

"You just split up with your greatest enemy!"

The Joker then push the breaks making the car stop moving.

"Harley! The Bats isn't going to change! He still hide his stupid little feelings and push people away, we need some kind of a push to make him admit it, to make him change! We need someone who could do it, and  that someone is Jack!"

"How do you even pull that off?"

"You'll see"

Please read ahah:
So do you know that "I hate you so much" fanfic that I made?? Yeaaah, I think I have a writers block on it, like I said I make this when I'm bored. And I'm starting to have a writers block with this one too.

Plus I need to upload videos every week, since 28K people are waiting for me to upload stuff and I also have finals. So yeah, so sorry about that.

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