The Tweet

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Joker went to back to his hideout and sits on his comfy couch, all of his makeup is already washed up by a long and tiring day, he grabbed a batman plushie.

Joker grabbed his phone, then surfed up on the internet, looking at Youtube, Deviantart seeing any Batjokes art to cheer him up, then search up Twitter, he then noticed there are a couple of "Jack" impersonators, maybe he should have a Jack twitter account.


And he did, and surprisingly just a second after that, he actually got a notification a minute later. And it was a Private message on twitter (DM).

'TheRealSuperman: is this the real Jack the hero from Gotham?'

His heart skipped a beat, no, it couldn't be The REAL superman, as he clicked on therealsupermans profile to check in, he realised the profile got verified. In an immediate reaction, he typed back.

TheRealJack: yeah, I'm the real Jack.

TheRealSuperman: I see, prove it.

TheRealJack: uhm, what kind of proof, exactly?

TheRealSuperman: prove that you are the real Jack. you can show me any kinds of proof :)

Joker then immediately took a scarf around his neck and puts on his brown hair again transforming into Jack, and took a selfie.

TheRealJack: okay, is this good enough?

TheRealSuperman: hmm, the image is not on any online news article, so you are the real Jack, haha so many jack imposters out there smh

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou télécharger une autre image.

TheRealSuperman: hmm, the image is not on any online news article, so you are the real Jack, haha so many jack imposters out there smh

TheRealJack: yeah ikr ;;

TheRealSuperman: I see, now, do you mind if I wanna ask ya' something?? :0

TheRealJack: why, sure

TheRealSuperman: I'm going to have a Justice League party tomorrow at my fotrest of solitude, and I thought it would be nice to invite a new superhero here.

TheRealJack: whoa, you gotta be kidding me!

TheRealSuperman: nope! No I'm not

TheRealJack: okay, first of all, I don't know where your secret hideout fortrest thingy is, second of all, I can't walk there, third, can I bring my friend? And is Batman gonna be there :D

TheRealSuperman: Oh don't worry I'll ask wonder woman to pick you up, and aslong as your friend is a hero and NOT those Marvel guys, then you should be fine, and I'm not sure about Batman..

TheRealJack: oh.. Okay then ;;

TheRealSuperman: lol yea see ya tomorrow at Gotham's park!! :D

He turned off his phone screen to see and talk to Harley, she must be in her room.

and he was right, she is sleeping in the room.

"Harley" Joker whispered to her as he is entering her room.

"Huh..?" she groaned with her eyes closed.

"Harley!" he started to shout at her.

Harley opened her eyes and glanced at the digital clock as it read '2.34 A.M' "Ughh.. Puddin? it's late"

"Harley, what should I do? Superman invited Jack to his party!"

"Superman did what?!" Harley awokened as she stared at Joker believing that it was one of his silly pranks.

"Look at this! He invited Jack to his Justice league party!" Joker showed his phone and Harley took the phone as she scroll through at the text conversation they just had, she even checked that the account is verified or not!

"I'm going to go to the party if thats okay with you"

Harley's face is filled with curiosity "Uhm, where are you going with this 'plan' if yours"

"Well, we're going to destroy Gotham city, and make Batsy sooo jealous over Jack that he will BEG me to be his enemy"

"Well, how do you execute that plan?"

"Well you will see later"

"Joker, I'm serious, how do you execute this plan?" Harls repeated.

Joker took a deep breath thinking about her response, he then admitted "Okay fiiine, you got me, I don't have any plans"

"What?! So all this time you don't even know what you're doing?"

"Well yeah, I just do things, y'know? That's why I'm so unpredictable"

"What are you even gonna do in the party?"

"I dunno, make the Justice League be turned around agaisnt with Batman? Or maybe make Batman get pissed off by the Justice League"

Harley sighed at the face of Joker, "fine, you may go to the party while I'll try to help you fix some of your Joker mobile, kay?"


"Oh, yeah be safe around those heroes and keep up your act, puddin, g'night" Harley yawned and tuck her blanket all around.

While Joker did the same, he cannot wait to meet Batman tomorrow at the party! It's one of the main reasons he is going there, but he is doubting that he would be there.

The 4th Wheel (Lego batjokes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant