The Fear

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Author's note: before ya'll read this do you see that beautiful art up there ^^ IT'S A VISUALIZATION ART OF JACK BY SOMEONE ON GOOGLE PLUS NAMED "Christin Queen!" I love it so much, (idk if she has a wattpad) I was screaming so much by seeing this ^^

Also a shout out to this one person called MordredJones who always keep reading my silly batjokes fanfics, and commenting these kind words.

3rd P.O.V

Jack came to home skipping happily from the tiring day, and then walked to the living room stretching his arms, putting his long scarf away on the wooden clothing hanger. He sits down on a sofa that is in front of the TV which is now turned on by the Joker, and he saw nothing interesting on the screen, yet.

Grabbing a batman plushie holding it so tightly always cheers him up from a bad day, and also imagining that he is actually hugging the real bats. He wondered how Batsy kept doing all of this hero thing every single day, it must've been hard, and annoying. And yet he still couldn't forget Batsy's words to 'Jack'. The way he is so afraid that Jack would take Joker away from him, made him grin from happiness.

Joker heard Harley walked into the room with her usual skates, but he didn't look at her, she had a worried look on her face, which is not normal.

"Boo?" she called on to him, "yeah?" he replied to her, but his eyes still locked on to the TV. "I'm getting kinda worried about this, hero thing" Harley said as her tone feels more anxious than before.

"What about it?" Joker spoke to her while he

"I'm worried that you're getting really tired of being both Jack and The Joker"

He paused a bit and took an interest on the conversation, and then turned his body to Harley's direction, which is behind Joker, while he questioned "what do you mean by that? I mean, this is quite fun thing to do!"

"Listen, What if Batman gets attached to Jack instead of you?"

He was completely silenced by that, she is right in some kind of way, which is odd, since this 'Jack' figure seems to make Batman's and Joker's relationships to drift away, like a 3rd wheel.

"Harley, don't worry-"

"Jack- I mean Joker- I think you can't be both Joker and Jack, since you'll be overworking!"

"Look, this Jack thing will be over if this plan is gonna work, okay?"

As Joker stood up from the chair, trying to explain what the plan is.

"What is that?" Harley asked to me, while pointing something on the back of my suit.

As his curiousity began to get the better of him, he then started to undress his suit, and glare what the back off it is, and it was some kind of black gadget that is attached to the brown suit.

while he observe the device, he noticed that it has a blinking light and it has a bat-like shape to it, no, could it be?

"it's a tracker from bats" Joker explained to her, he then remembered the memory where the bats patted on my back, which is the same place the tracker was attached to.

"What the? Should we run?"

"Girl-buddy, I know this would happen, you know how paranoid my batsy is" he grinned evily to the non-living object.

Harley agreed "well he always have been paranoid with everyone"

"Trust me this is a part of my genius plan, Batsy will come to here"

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