The Choice

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Pew! pew! pew! Villains are shooting up the terrified citizens.

The Batplane Zooming into the sky finding Robin's location, but the other villains had other plans, shooting up the batplane's engine and blowing up one of them. Three to go.


The bats shouted in frustration.

'Joker' didn't really knew what was happening, it seems that things are going according to his plan. Batman opened the glass pod letting the blowing wind around.

"Jack!" The scarfed man looked at the hero in the eyes.

"You stay here and don't move!" the he tied a rope around the steering wheel.

"W-what are you doing?" Jack acted nervously.

"Don't touch anything! Even the rope! The rope's a good driver, I'm gonna fix the engine" then Batman goes out to fix the engine.

What the heck?! Is Batman actually in this level of stupidity?? Well I mean he can't figure out Joker is Jack sooo.. Yeah.

Joker couldn't resist playing Batsys little vehicle toy, infront of him were some buttons, it seems very playable.. But before he could even touch it.

Then there were these flying penguin building came up to them.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen a flying penguin" Jack joked around but the flying penguin building thing actually shoots a bazooka on the dark knights vehicles hitting them on 2 of the 4 engines. It also threw off the bats into the air, leaving him to free fall from the air.

"Warning Warning Warning" the computer repeated those words over and over again

"Wait, isn't the batplane going to.. FAAAAALLL"

The fall made Bat in his "flying" mode with his cape, but Jack doesn't have those fancy things he was panicking.

then Jack with the batplane crashed on a random location. Thankfully no citizens were there at sight, nor even a mile near the crash.

The black and yellow bricks were scattered around, and luckily Jack was safe and sound. Jack went outside and hopped out of the seat.

"What the hell, Jack?! I told you not to move" the dark knight complained.

"ME?! I didn't move a single inch!"

"This is why you should never be a hero and retire soon as possible" here comes Batman's narcissistic behaviour, again!

"I would happy for not being a hero because of you"



No matter how much 'Joker' would admit, he miss fighting and being near as Batman, not as JACK, but as himself, it kinda makes him upset.

And then they saw Green Lantern destroying the city on the distance cutting their argument. The city has been 5% destroyed in just a couple of minues.

"We need to stop whatever that green thing is" Jack said. Damn, Joker is really good at acting.

"Green lantern's weakness is the color yellow, right?"

The 4th Wheel (Lego batjokes)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu