But the Banging never stopped . I need to call Manik.

"Manik. There is someone at the door

"Could you please open it?" I asked. He is out and fully clean. Freshly showered wrapped in the towel . God! I will die to see this hot body again and again.

I am blessed but then I remembered the Banging. I told him that someone is at the door.

"But who is here?" He asked confused.

"How will I know? " I ask him.

"Okay wait. I will go and open it. Maybe househelp is here." He concluded.

"I missed you in the shower." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up like a toddler. My cheeks felt hot. Too hot.

I can feel his hardness beneath the towel and a moan escaped my mouth.

"Fuck kitten. I want you."

He growled and placed his mouth in mine. Our tongue dualed  in the tango of our tongue. I can't help but to grip his neck  as he continues to devour my lips. My other hand with its own mind travel south to the forbidden lands. But who cares ?

I grip his hard on and start giving him the pleasure of his life.

Soon the room is covered in our moans and groans.

"I need you now ..." Manik growls but the door is jerked hard and I can see Dhruv standing there along with the whole gang.

"Aaah! Oh my virgin eyes......." Shouted cabir.



" My god! How could you ?" CABIR said crying.

I rolled my eyes at his antics. This guy can really be a joker. He should definitely try or maybe an overdramatic mother in-law character will also suit him.

Dhruv is still blushing from the incident and Alya and Mukti  are just avoiding the topic that they had seen their friend naked .

I am here to show my heroism after the embarrassing act. God! I wish the floor wouldn't open up and swallow me.

"Shut up ! CABIR." Said Manik coming out of the room . Now fully clothed.

In all the surprise I forget to mention Navya who is here along with Fab 5. She is trying to avoid my eyes. I don't know why?

But I will find out soon.

"Oh no! My virgin eyes!!?" Shouted cabir . Again.

"CABIR shut up." Said Navya. Surprisingly her first sentence of the day after coming here. What is she doing here with them?

There are so many questions but I don't have answer to them . It makes me feel awkward. I don't like this feeling.

Alya is also quite. Probably hating me and cursing me in her mind. According to her I am a BOYFRIEND STEALER. Like really. What am  I? A thief.

And Mukti is trying to kill me thousands of time . That I am sure after her behavior towards me during musicana.

What is going on with Navya is a complete mystery to me. On the other hand I know cabir us in the mood to joke and well Dhruv is just happy for me.

Understanding a woman , girl , oh fuck that every female species on this galaxy is hard to understand. Really complex.

"Navya if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here?" I asked and pointed my eyes towards the members of fab 5 "with them exactly."

Manan: lust & love (18+)✔Where stories live. Discover now